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RELEASED N-pack! [ Available on the Steam Workshop! ] 1.0.0

Adds in new powerful items, gear, armor, npc's, and species.

  1. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    That would be a good name for the plant, any idea for the "Perennial Strand's", "Perennial String", and the "Perennial Fabric"?
  2. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Keep the second words, but the first word is the name of the plant, like "Webtree String", or "Infinity String". Now that I think about it Infinity Willow is too dramatic for a plant.
  3. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  4. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  5. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  6. Cryptoid

    Cryptoid Pangalactic Porcupine

    How do you make a custom ship file?
  7. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Every race has its own ship, you can find those ships under assets/unpacked/ships

    Let's say you want to change the human ship, just go into the /human file and that shows you all the files needed for the ship.

    It can get a little complicated at first what all the files do. If you like I can explain it all.
  8. Cryptoid

    Cryptoid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes please.
  9. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I'll explain it in the best way I can;

    Each ship tier is defined by T0, T1, T2, exc...

    Every Tier ship has 2 to 3 .png images.
    • humanT1blocks.png ; This file describes where each block is placed. Each pixel in that image represents a certain type of block (by the color of the pixel). For example, the red pixels or "255, 0, 0" stands for an invisible barrier block. (All of what each color represents can be found in the blockKey.config)
    • humanT1.png ; This image is what the ship looks like.
    • humanT1lit.png ; This image is placed over the humanT1 so that light affects the image.
    The humanT1.structure tells where each image is placed to make up the structure.
    Cryptoid likes this.
  10. Cryptoid

    Cryptoid Pangalactic Porcupine

  11. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  12. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    You should add Nebula's that you can fly to with your ship.
  13. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I like that idea, I'll start looking into that! :)
    Joseph K likes this.
  14. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Thanks, by the way I was also thinking "Nebula Ghost" I'm not sure whether that's a good idea or not but I thought I'd suggest it to see what you think. Feel free to use the following sprite :)

    Attached Files:

  15. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  16. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Great nebula design! But could you please take the f word of its description? One more thing, have you put any thought into my Nebula Ghost idea? The surface is the perfect setup for it. In fact, I got so scared when I landed on the surface that I checked the mod files to see if it was there.
  17. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Description will be changed next update.
    Yes, I did use it for testing, the issue is that the ghost only follows the player if they have erchius fuel on them. I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.
  18. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I think I know how to fix your problem. Go into the debuff that spawns the ghost and open the LUA file, then look for something that looks like this:

    function update(dt)
    local erchiusCount = 0
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "liquidfuel") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "solidfuel") or 0)
    local erchiusRatio = math.sqrt(math.min(1.0, erchiusCount / self.effectMaxErchius))
    if erchiusCount > 0 and self.spawnTimer > 0 then
    self.spawnTimer = self.spawnTimer - dt

    With this you can copy paste to make it like the following.

    function update(dt)
    local erchiusCount = 0
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "liquidfuel") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "solidfuel") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "solariumore") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "violiumore") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "refinedferozium") or 0)
    erchiusCount = erchiusCount + (world.entityHasCountOfItem(entity.id(), "aegisaltore") or 0)
    local erchiusRatio = math.sqrt(math.min(1.0, erchiusCount / self.effectMaxErchius))
    if erchiusCount > 0 and self.spawnTimer > 0 then
    self.spawnTimer = self.spawnTimer - dt

    Edit: You can also change the following code (which is found in the same file) to have it play a different radio message when the monster spawns.

    local monsterPosition = self.findMonster()
    if monsterPosition then
    if not self.messaged then
    world.sendEntityMessage(entity.id(), "queueRadioMessage", "yourradiomessagehere")
    self.messaged = true
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
    Noah Nebula likes this.
  19. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I'm cooking it up rn, but I ran into another problem.

    The log is telling me that this .bodyparts file is crashing the game;
    "name" : "nebulaghost",
    "category" : "nebulaghost",
    "type" : "body",
    "frames" : {
    "body" : "nebulaghost.png"
  20. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Heres the folder for you to work on

    Attached Files:

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