Sorry for that you have not hearing form me lately for some reason my profile stoped following your thread lately it have happed to many threads i was following
Sorry for bringing this up from the tomb, but i didn't want to create a new thread for just one thingie, so yeah, my good whale dude @D.M.G. , here you go: I tried to save a copy with a 200% zoom but i don't know how to do that on Graphic's Gale, if someone knows could you please tell me? thank you
may I ask you, for what purpose you asked me to draw this? are you going to use it somewhere? it got me thinking while doing it, really, also, another questions, is it called Crusteaxe?
I was thinking of using it in my world, Undür, and create variations of it It could totally be called Crusteaxe (real gud idea), tho I was thinking of Lumbster (lumberjack+lobster) Ngaaaaah, I can't choose now
Lumbster is good, it's very good!! You know how different cities or even countries that speak the same language can have different names for the same thing? what about it?
Naw man, it's a lobster and it has an axe, it's a chopster! Ahahahaha! Ahahaha... ha.... ... I'll see myself out.
@Nibolas O Anelbozas Are you still taking requests? I was looking for a good artist to illustrate the Canids from my race mod. The fun cartoon like art style you use is the best, I would love to have a drawing to go on the mod page.
That is too bad. You will have to let me know when you get some new equipment, I am looking forward to it. Thank you.
So uhm...i tried another pixel thingie It's not that good, it kinda looks buggy, but hey, i'm happy with the results of a first timer u_u what you guys think?
Yeah, i do use layers, although i made things hard for me on this one, since the character is just one layer, it would be better if the staff was a separate layer. And no, i'm not used to it or what it really does to the image, so i just go around using all the colors of the rainbow.
Looks pretty nice to me, but I think some of the movements are to fast/slow.... And I think the cracks on the wall change to much, might want to tone it down a bit. Maybe also have the torch pulse only once per cycle?
Yeah, maybe one day i'll get around to fixing it u_u i had this animation sitting for a month, and yesterday i decided to finish it