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Bug/Issue My Character Has Insomnia

Discussion in 'Support' started by Zanthe, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. Zanthe

    Zanthe Void-Bound Voyager

    Windows 10, Stardew Valley 1.3 Full Release
    I go to bed and the screen fades slightly or not at all. The game does not save or progress. After a second I am able to move my character and time does seem to pass. If I enter a new cell, such as the basement or the farm outdoors, then the game does save and continue as normal. Easily repeatable, happens every night after going to bed. Occurred in single player, have not tested multiplayer. I am playing in fullscreen mode in fall of my ninth year with a fairly full farm.

    I have been using mods, but I tested on a new farm with mods, the same farm without mods, and I have come to the conclusion that this bug seems isolated to the one farm. Its possible it has to do with its age, but I'm not sure.

    Current content BuildID : 3021943

      Attached Files:

    • margotbean

      margotbean Existential Complex

      The only strange thing I see is that you have an empty quest in your journal. Try opening the journal to remove the remnants of the quest, and see if that helps.
      • Zanthe

        Zanthe Void-Bound Voyager

        I loaded up the game and opened my journal but the bug still persists.
        • Zanthe

          Zanthe Void-Bound Voyager

          Ah, ok.

          The issue has been resolved. It appears to have been a glitch not of the game but if an .xmb mod I had installed, which is why running without smapi didn't solve it.
            margotbean likes this.

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