My Accomplishments

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adoredmarmot1738, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Adoredmarmot1738

    Adoredmarmot1738 Space Hobo

    Hello community, iam very new of playing stardew valley and i just downloaded it last week so, ive been playing this game for a week now and i want to know if iam playing too much. As iam writing this thread iam currently at fall 14th Year 2. Here are my progress in 1 week:

    -All of my tools are upgraded to gold
    -Completed 3 of the bundles namely the crafts room, boiler room and the vault
    -Total earnings: 1,280,093g
    -Current funds: 36,769g
    -Level 10 farming
    -Level 9 Mining
    -Level 10 foraging
    -Level 1 fishing
    -Level 8 combat
    -Unlocked the secret woods
    -1 Deluxe coop
    with: 6 chickens
    1 duck
    1 rabbit
    -3 Deluxe barns
    with: 12 pigs
    4 goats
    4 cows
    -Has a Dog and a horse
    -Inventory maxed out
    -Has 80 quality sprinklers
    -448 cranberry seeds planted
    -192 corns planted
    -Has an obsidian edge
    -Upgraded house to tier 2
    -Happily married to Alex
    -3 Oil makers
    -1 Crystalarium
    -3 Cheese press
    -3 Bee houses
    -7 Preserves Jar
    -14 Kegs
    -11 Mayonase machine
    -1 seed maker
    -10 Lightning rods
    -9 Furnace
    -6 Charcoal Kiln

    If i missed anything let me know!
    Thank you and have a good day!~
    • ShneekeyTheLost

      ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

      Weird humblebrag, but ok

      For a first-time play through, very nice. I'm assuming you leaned on a few guides to help you on your way?
      • Adoredmarmot1738

        Adoredmarmot1738 Space Hobo

        Yes Indeed. I always read stardew wiki in my spare time but i dont know if iam playing too much because ive reached fall year 2 in just a week? Is that normal? by the way thank you very much for replying
        • BentFX

          BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

          Normal is a tough thing to quantify in The Valley. I don't recall exactly how much time I spent when I first got the game but a month per day sounds about right.

          When achievements in game start screwing up achievements IRL, it's too much. If you'd have just spent that time watching netflix anyway, I guess it all works out in the wash.
          • UnexpectedParole

            UnexpectedParole Phantasmal Quasar

            I have over 1000 hours into Stardew Valley. I've maybe seen three Fall 14 YR 2 s. (and probably two thousand Spring 1 Yr 1s.So there is that.) congrats

            But as BentFX said, if it's not getting in the way of real life, it's probably not a problem.

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