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RELEASED Munari Race 2.1.8, For Starbound 1.3

Adds an aquatic like race called the Munari

  1. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    Are there any plans to add lore regarding to their relations with other races? I think it would really make them fit in with the rest of the starbound universe
  2. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Technically, an organ is anything from a creature besides stomach contents- so could you add some sort of eyeball (that you can turn into a candy) or skin that you can cut and then cook into skin jerky?
  3. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    !!!! Silverware made out of keratin objects! (nails, horns, natural armor, hair, POSSIBLY a bag or knapsack made from skin)
  4. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    The devs just broke the organ stuff with the new monster parts update.
  5. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    misterwho likes this.
  6. Wiredwrong

    Wiredwrong Astral Cartographer

    Is motionless still working on this?
  7. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    Motionless updated Munari Race with a new update entry:

    Update For Upbeat Giraffe

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    Motionless updated Munari Race with a new update entry:

    Update For Upbeat Giraffe 668

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it only me or other people too can craft those awesome weapons from generic items only?:S
  10. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    Seems that I forgot to change the recipes to the new ore names. I'll fix them next week. Too busy this week, sorry. Thanks for spotting that and sending feedback!

    If you feel like fixing them yourself right now, just compare the tier weapon recipes in the normal assets with the the munari recipes. It's a simple copy and paste. For example: "Feroziumbar" is now "feroziumcompound" for tier 6.
    Cauchemare likes this.
  11. Cauchemare

    Cauchemare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah. Thank you, but you can't imagine how actually lazy I am :S Anyhow, thank you for your mod, this race is really awesome C:
  12. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    So, a question regarding update changes. You mentioned that upgrading the ship past T4 (T5 is the first change that acttually adds more room in the ship, i believe?) will make the backdrop into the human ship. Does this mean that we could play this race and freely get to T8, which I imagine will be the human's T8? And if so, when/if you update the farther ship tiers, will characters already past T4 have their ships change into the new ones?

    I'm a little sleep deprived, so I'll try and give an example. I play the current mod version, and get the first upgrade from the black market guy. I upgrade my ship, and continue playing. The next day, you release an update that includes the T5 ship. Would installing this update make the character file unplayable? Or just change the ship layout? Or do nothing at all since it's already made?
  13. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    I believe so. Currently you can upgrade past Tier 4 but the ship will turn into a human ship. You can continue upgrading to max tier if you chose to. Unfortunately the ship will not upgrade on it's own if you currently have the human version. You need to force the game to regenerate it. It will most likely stay the same if you update the mod without changing files.

    When I finish the other ship tiers and update you can, I think, ( not 100% sure) delete your corrisponding player ".shipworld" file in "Starbound\giraffe_storage\player" and the next time you play that character it should generate a fresh ship of that tier, updating to the correct look. Just be sure to backup your save files first.
    Also a reminder, all your placed items and storage will most likely be removed from doing this. So It is a good idea to store your items elsewhere before deleting your ".shipworld" file.

    I said Tier 4 because file name wise it starts at Tier 0, Tier 0-3 is basically the same ship with more working parts, Tier 4 and up starts adding rooms.
  14. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

  15. Cluedo

    Cluedo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, is Choke Le Fish required to use the mod now or not?
  16. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    No It is not required. If you use it it will work correctly with this mod though.
  17. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

  18. Agentkiller

    Agentkiller Void-Bound Voyager

    Great mod, But I cant Update it-.-
    your Download Link is Broken sorry
  19. Motionless

    Motionless Pangalactic Porcupine

    Seems to be working fine for me. Are you using the main "Download Now Via external link" button?

    It should go to mediafire with another download page where you need to press a green download button.
  20. Agentkiller

    Agentkiller Void-Bound Voyager

    I tried do download it, about 30-60 min later, where you Update your Mod,
    I Press the Button top right, where you go to Mediafire, there I get allways a loading Error/ That the Link Adress down is.
    About 5-7h later, its now Working thanks for your great mod. I will test your news Stuff.
    And Sorry for my Bad English^^-.-

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