So with Multiplayer coming to Switch soon, there will be no way to play 2 player co-op on one Switch with the the 2 Joycons? You just can play online or via Lan and you still need 2 Switchs? Thanks in advance
Thank you. This is...sad. I already have Stardew Valley on Steam, but since I have a Switch now I thought to play with my gf co-op. How about cross-play between Steam Version and Switch? Do you have any infos about that?
Unfortunately, I don't think crossplay will be a thing either SOURCE:
Really would be nice if we got a little bit of information on the x box and ps4 multiplayer. It's like it's been forgotten completely in favor of the switch. Which was the last console to get the game. Kind of messed up. :/
If crossplay will be possible some time it would be awesome. We do not have a second switch and playing on PC everbody home alone is kind of boring. :/ And I do not want to play with random people online.