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Bug/Issue Multiplayer Item Dupe Bug [Any Item(s)]

Discussion in 'Support' started by SonyUSA, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. SonyUSA

    SonyUSA Intergalactic Tourist

    Good morning,

    Ran into an item dupe glitch on accident, I feel like it may be very difficult to patch but I'll list the steps to reproduce it below. The first time it happened on accident, but I am able to recreate it quite easily by repeating the process.

    Platform: Windows / Steam (Steam Invite Code)
    Host: Germany
    Guest: USA
    Version: (Not sure where to check, but Latest as of 4/27/2019 )
    Mods: None

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Owner has minor magnet ring equipped
    2) Guest has (normal) magnet ring equipped
    3) Guest stand on Owner and drops item from inventory
    4) Guest runs away quickly about 2-4 tiles and the item will go to the Owners inventory and get sucked into the Guests inventory too, creating a copy of the item (or item stack)

    Ex) You can get the feel for the distance you need to be when running away, running not enough or too far will cause the dupe bug to fail, however you'll notice the item do a little swirl as it starts to get caught into your magnet ring, and "dancing" back and forth a bit on the edge of the magnet ring radius distance will make the item(s) do a little swirly dance before coming to you, and seeing that little "dance" is an indicator you did the maneuver correctly.

    Ex2) You may not need the magnet rings to get this to work, and it may work with the Host dropping the items, but my friend couldn't get it to work, though that may have been a "skill" issue and not necessarily an indicator that the bug only works when the Guest drops items.
      Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
    • SonyUSA

      SonyUSA Intergalactic Tourist

      Yikes this forum seems really dead, nobody seems to look or reply to any new bugs, just old known issues. Oh well, I'll probably see this bug end up on YouTube soon enough and get exploited... lol.

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