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Bug/Issue Mouse input offset on macOS with multiple monitors

Discussion in 'Mac / Linux Bug Reports' started by marienz, Apr 7, 2019.

  1. marienz

    marienz Space Hobo

    BuildID 3611060, MacOS 10.14.4 on a 2018 Mac mini.

    When running Stardew Valley on the second (right) monitor, the mouse cursor is offset by the distance between the top edges of the monitors (rendering the game unplayable).

    My left/main monitor is rotated to portrait, the right/secondary monitor is in the normal/landscape orientation. Normally they are set up like this:
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    I launch Stardew Valley on the right monitor by having Steam there before launching the game.

    This offsets the mouse cursor so I cannot reach the bottom part of the screen in Stardew Valley. This happens both in fullscreen and in windowed mode. In windowed mode, it is clear the Stardew Valley mouse cursor is offset (it goes off the top edge of the window before the OSX cursor shows up, and moving the cursor in and out of the window along the left or right edge shows a vertical jump).

    It looks like the offset is the same as the distance between the top edges of the monitors. If I rearrange the monitors so their top edge is at the same height, like this:
    |    |        |
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    it fixes the problem.
      metroknow likes this.
    • yhf

      yhf Space Hobo

      I know this is old as hell, but thank you so goddamn much dude. Saved my ass
      • metroknow

        metroknow Intergalactic Tourist

        Thank you for the fix! It didn't even occur to me to try that. Worked!
        • flyndrefisk

          flyndrefisk Aquatic Astronaut

          This bug is still not fixed, so annoying
          • Pangaea

            Pangaea Forum Moderator

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