Most pointless thing you've done in SV

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Manning, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Considering the fact that they will only give you the kind of day if you give them tens of thousands of gold in free stuff, they kind of deserve it. What happened to the days where you found friends by being a nice, interesting person? I thought Stardew Valley was about getting away from materialism?
      LuthienNightwolf likes this.
    • LuthienNightwolf

      LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

      Oh, one thing to note, something I've found as I experiment with this, there are some areas of the map where your slimes will disappear after they hatch. I can confirm the little area above the farm just before you go into the tunnel won't hold them, and the quarry doesn't either. I'm not really sure why they disappear from certain spots and not others, but if you're going to try this, don't waste your purple or red eggs on it.
      • Lilliput

        Lilliput Supernova

        [​IMG] [​IMG]


        Here's a couple of screen captures of chatty slimes in the town area.
          joykiller91, Auryin, Seajun_ and 7 others like this.
        • Minimanta

          Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

          Oh no, that's too cuteX3

          I must fill the town with slimes now. It's not a want, it is a need!
            Eikos likes this.
          • LuthienNightwolf

            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

          • Roskii Heiral

            Roskii Heiral Heliosphere


            Looking at your screenies and your avatar, i'm suprised you aren't using the anthro mods =o

            They're just happy to be getting some fresh air xD
            • LuthienNightwolf

              LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

              I've seen them, but eh, I like the human versions of the characters better and I'd prefer to create my own anthro versions of them, if it ever was needed. Besides...I spend 90% of my time being furry (it's my job actually, since I'm an artist), its nice to have a break sometimes. lol
                Roskii Heiral likes this.
              • Ambaaargh

                Ambaaargh Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                I feel ya on that! Its like I play D&D and most of my friends are like "I'm surprised you don't play the more furry races" and its like I draw furries all the ding dang day. Sometimes its nice to be just an elf or a human or a gnome and not furry up every entertainment outlet I have! :rofl:
                • Surenu

                  Surenu The End of Time

                  I get the same in different pen&papers/tabletop RPGs when I play a non-caster or dex-based character. Or when I play a male character.
                    Roskii Heiral likes this.
                  • Jerev

                    Jerev Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Filling the bowl of my cat each and every day despite knowing that it gives no benefits. But Mr. Toppings the fearless guardian of the Muffin Farm deserves to be treated good.
                    • Roskii Heiral

                      Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                      I guess I can understand that, I'm not an artist so I don't feel the burnX3

                      Pets need some love in the game, but I'm so glad they're here xD. Its weird, but I looove my petX3

                      I play with the timespeed mod, so I fill my days with so much fluff xD. Like walking Maru to work and going to visit the wizard and Marlon.

                      I'm working on a Marlon-centric mod, focusing on events around the adventurer's guild with him tutoring the player (and abigail if she gets high enough hearts). So that will end up in even more time spent hanging around lollygagging.
                      • Manning

                        Manning Aquatic Astronaut

                        Married Penny but divorced her the day after I got the purple statue. Managed to avoid the baby issue.

                        I did the mind wipe and got her back to ten hearts fairly quickly. I'm mildly curious how long it would take without the mind wipe (or if it is even possible).
                          Roskii Heiral likes this.
                        • Manning

                          Manning Aquatic Astronaut

                          675. Five deluxe barns completely filled.
                          • Faivon

                            Faivon Space Hobo

                            I dunno, probably fish out with crab pots then throw the crabs away (Just racking the fishing skill) lol
                            • MrAddled

                              MrAddled Orbital Explorer

                              Most pointless thing?

                              Water in the dog bowl, and putting a heater in Linus's tent.:lolwut:

                              That's all I can think of. :sarcasm:
                                Roskii Heiral likes this.
                              • LuthienNightwolf

                                LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                Awww. I wanna do that now. lol Does it actually run during winter?
                                • Surenu

                                  Surenu The End of Time

                                  Can't say for Linus's tent, but I put one into a shed because it was in my invetory and it ran during the winter.
                                    LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                                  • Tamorr

                                    Tamorr Supernova

                                    Most pointless... Hmm... Maybe my lifetime hobby since I started the game... I don't call it pointless, but others might see it so.

                                    I chase butterflies for a living every spring and when I see one or few. :nurutease:
                                      Surenu likes this.
                                    • seth0et0holth

                                      seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

                                      OMG now I want slime colonies everywhere. And I don't even have a slime house on my current file.
                                      • Minimanta

                                        Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                                        You don't need one! :D
                                        Just collect as much slime as possible, turn it into slime eggs and then incubate the eggs. There you go, slimes (almost) wherever you want them :3

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