I've noticed there are mostly natural skin tones, which is a problem for some modded player sprites. If someone could make a pack that replaces some natural skin tones with black, red, grey, dark grey, and other colors, that'd be amazing. Or possibly, if it's super easy, could I possibly get help to publish this mod? I've noticed it was a problem for this mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/furry-anthro-player.112597/ With this mod, and most likely many upcoming player sprite mods, I think this will be a necessity.
Yes, someone please do this. This would really help future custom character sprites, so everyone could edit their skins.
Editing the skin tone is actually really easy. I will look into it. I'm just not sure if it's possible to add colors and not just replace them. My farmer has a custom skin tone, but it's much more natural, but to make it I had to replace one that already existed... But yeah, skin tone is very simple, at least relative to mods for accessories/hats/hair/etc. because it doesn't require any pixel art or anything like that
This was easy peasy. Base game has 24 colors, I just extended the canvas and threw in some extra extra colors. They're not perfect but it shows it can be done. I've included the image and yaml files for you if you if you want to edit the colors yourself or add new ones and then repackage it. Also is the repacked xnb that you can stick in your Content/Characters/Farmer folder to see new skin colors.
Oh, the uploader of my character mod uploaded a fur colors zip. I'll just include it here. Thanks Jinxie! The packs were pretty much the same, though i'd recommend yours for more exotic colors.