I haven't played Stardew in months mostly because I'm pretty concerned with putting food on the table IRL so if Longevity or the Tea mod have functioning versions, people should go there and use that. I won't have the time to update this to 1.2 If someone else wants to update it, absolutely go ahead, you're totally fine to take over.
Hey @TenkoKuugen I definitely look forward to having you back when things are a bit better for you! I don't feel like taking over, but I have an updated version people can use in the meantime. This version, does not include my Tea mod, but is based on the compatibility pack that I made. I think it's pretty stable now. Most of the recent bugs & fixes were in my own mod. And, Entoarox helped me fix an issue with planting the MoreCrops saplings that popped up here in v1.2 of SDV. So, it's a version of yours; updated for v1.2 of the game. The SMAPI side of things seem to still work. Oh, and while updating my Tea mod for v1.2; I went ahead and added basic, multi-language support(except for NPCGiftTastes; I wasn't familiar enough with your changes to attempt to duplicate it in another language). I extended that support to the compatibility versions I made, and hence this one now has it(just without my Tea items; for that original experience). So, all of the items added by the mod will be in English. But, they've also been added to the relevant language files necessary so that if someone switches languages they can continue playing without issue. Figured, I'd add compatibility with v1.2. And, then since you were fine with others updating. I'll release this so if others want to start translating, maintaining or whatever; they'd have something to work off of. (Edit: Adding extra info. for new users) Bug Fix Update: 5-10-17: Fixed Typo in Config.json causing some crops to be missing from the store. 5-22-17: Fixed another typo in the original Config.json that switched Algae Soup for Poppy Seeds. 5-22-17: Fixed some bad Crop data where Gold Seeds were growing Iron, not Gold Ore. 6-03-17: Fix for my old fix that made saplings show up in the collections tab. 10-25-17: Fixed incorrect growth times. 02-17-18: Fixed bacon sprite data mismatch issue. 02-27-18: Content Patcher for v1.2 05-02-18: v1.3 Multiplayer Beta Update. 12-09-18: Fix ContentPatcher/ShopExpander bug. 12-18-19: Update mod to be compatible with SDV v1.4 ---------------------- V1.4 Update: Installation: As per the first post here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/more-crops-unofficial-continuation.129349/ You need the latest versions of: SMAPI: https://github.com/Pathoschild/SMAPI/releases And, the following 3 SMAPI mods: Entoarox Framework: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2269 Shop Expander: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2278 Content Patcher: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1915 ------------------ After handling the SMAPI dependencies. Extract the zip into your game folder allowing it to merge into the 'Mods' folder. Download v1.4: https://community.playstarbound.com...nofficialcontinuation_contentpack-zip.216734/ ========================== Old Post under spoiler: Hey @TenkoKuugen I definitely look forward to having you back when things are a bit better for you! I don't feel like taking over, but I have an updated version people can use in the meantime. This version, does not include my Tea mod, but is based on the compatibility pack that I made. I think it's pretty stable now. Most of the recent bugs & fixes were in my own mod. And, Entoarox helped me fix an issue with planting the MoreCrops saplings that popped up here in v1.2 of SDV. So, it's a version of yours; updated for v1.2 of the game. The SMAPI side of things seem to still work. Oh, and while updating my Tea mod for v1.2; I went ahead and added basic, multi-language support(except for NPCGiftTastes; I wasn't familiar enough with your changes to attempt to duplicate it in another language). I extended that support to the compatibility versions I made, and hence this one now has it(just without my Tea items; for that original experience). So, all of the items added by the mod will be in English. But, they've also been added to the relevant language files necessary so that if someone switches languages they can continue playing without issue. Figured, I'd add compatibility with v1.2. And, then since you were fine with others updating. I'll release this so if others want to start translating, maintaining or whatever; they'd have something to work off of. (Edit: Adding extra info. for new users) Installation: As per the first post here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/more-crops-unofficial-continuation.129349/ You need the latest versions of: SMAPI: https://github.com/Pathoschild/SMAPI/releases And, the following 2 SMAPI mods: Entoarox Framework: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/entoarox-framework.125025/ Shop Expander: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/shop-expander.4381/ After that, just merge & replace the included 'Content' and 'Mods' folders from the zip below; with their respective locations in your game folder. XNB version Downloads: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbw6w7szxf9bit1/v1.2 MoreCropsUnofficial Continuation.zip?dl=0 (Backup XNB download attached to this post.) Bug Fix Update: 5-10-17: Fixed Typo in Config.json causing some crops to be missing from the store. 5-22-17: Fixed another typo in the original Config.json that switched Algae Soup for Poppy Seeds. 5-22-17: Fixed some bad Crop data where Gold Seeds were growing Iron, not Gold Ore. 6-03-17: Fix for my old fix that made saplings show up in the collections tab. 10-25-17: Fixed incorrect growth times. 02-17-18: Fixed bacon sprite data mismatch issue. ==================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==================================== 02-27-18 Adding Content Pack support to this mod. An alternative to the XNB version; not to be used together. Content Pack for Pathoschild's "Content Patcher" Mod: Link to their mod: https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/content-patcher.141420/ Note: Equivalent to the current XNB version of MoreCrops_UnofficialContinuation. Installation: Requires SMAPI, EntoaroxFramework & ShopExpander(currently v1.6) similar to the original XNB mod. But, also requires Pathoschild's Content Patcher mod linked above. Extract the zip into your game folder allowing it to merge into the 'Mods' folder. Download v1.0: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2yxr4xfobcxqch/MoreCrops_UnofficialContinuation_ContentPack.zip?dl=0 ========================== V1.3 Multiplayer Update: 04-30-18 The work's been done, and I'm doing some manual testing. But, the upload will be held off until the SMAPI dependencies are ready. I will edit this again when the dependencies are compatible. ========================== ==================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==================================== 2018 v1.2 Download for comparison. Content Pack for Pathoschild's "Content Patcher" Mod: Link to their mod: https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/content-patcher.141420/ Installation: Requires SMAPI, EntoaroxFramework & ShopExpander(currently v1.6) similar to the original XNB mod. But, also requires Pathoschild's Content Patcher mod linked above. Extract the zip into your game folder allowing it to merge into the 'Mods' folder. Download v1.0: (Backup XNB download attached to this post.)
The shopexpander is a seperate mod and therefore needs to be downloaded and installed seperatly . Afterwards put the config in. It was never bundled.
I was linked directly to this page and the newest post. Blame that person . Ps: its crashing. shop expander doesnt work
ok - than let's figure that one out ... .) you need shop expander: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/shop-expander.4381/ and that needs Entoarox Framework http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/entoarox-framework.4228/ Have you installed both? If it's still not working you can attach your SMAPI log here ( howto: http://canimod.com/for-players/faqs#smapi-log ) or come to the Stardew Discord to the modding channel and we will help you there: https://discord.gg/UDM5Q9K
@ekffie Thanks for helping out! @Ilucie This version's merely an unofficial update of the original to make it work again in v1.2 As the original post mentioned; you still need SMAPI/Entoarox Framework/Shop Expander to use this. That being said; I'll edit my update post to clarify that for new users. Sorry for the confusion.
Ah Framework stuff was missing - thank you guys! Its working perfectly now! (I hate patches srsly, need to update tons of mods :c)
Needs the modified Object Information file in the data folder. It doesn't work if you load it through XNB loader, because Shop Expander loads before XNB Loader does its thing.
Rice, Coffee, and Lime Trees aren't showing up for me despite having met the conditions. Are the conditions listed wrong?
Thanks for the heads up. I took a look at the Config.json, and it seems the original mod had a typo. I've gone ahead, and fixed that; & updated the downloads. You should now see those crops once you meet the conditions.
Looks like the saplings included in the mod are classified as vegetables instead of seeds. Is that intentional? 'Cause it's causing them to show up in the shipping collection...
Is there anyway to create/edit a second version of this mod to adjust some of the unlock conditions? Specifically remove the biggest house update condition? The biggest house is always (and I do mean ALWAYS) one of my least prioritized things to get (I really only need the spouse bed and kitchen...), but I'd really like to experiment with some of these new crops.
Ah yea, that was an intentional change. It's a workaround fix for a bug I came across with planting the MoreCrops Saplings in v1.2 If left unchanged you'd have to hoe the dirt first, like a crop, to plant them. This way they act like regular saplings going directly into the dirt. Entoarox helped me narrow down the issue to an extra whitelist hardcoded into the game for Saplings which was causing the issue. Changing their category was an easy workaround, and I figured I'd set them to "Vegetable" as that was close enough. And, will allow the saplings to still show up in stuff like the crops section of CJB Item Spawner. The Unlock Conditions are based on the variables listed in the 'config.json'; in the "Mods/ShopExpander" folder that's included. Just for future reference, that can always be easily be edited with a text editor. I went ahead, and completely removed the 'houseLevel' conditiions for you. But, conversely; it could always be left in, and set to turn on at one of the other house upgrades. Anyway, for this edit you still need the base version of the mod. I'm just uploading the changed 'config.json' with it's folder structure for easy replacement. Download this, and overwrite the original files, and you should be good to go. Minor Edit for those who want to modify the config.json themselves. ShopExpander Conditions Documentation here: https://github.com/Entoarox/StardewMods/blob/master/Framework/ConditionDocumentation.md