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Bug/Issue Monsters attacking multiple players

Discussion in 'Support' started by JackShot, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. JackShot

    JackShot Intergalactic Tourist

    Good morning,

    My wife and I are playing a multiplayer farm together. (It's convenient in many ways, as I can glance to my left and see her screen). I have suspected for a bit that monsters are attacking both of us by hitting one of us, but last night I finally found proof of it.

    Last night we were working the mushroom levels in the mines (her on level 85, me on 95). I had completely cleared my level of monsters when she was hit by a shadow shaman's spell. Suddenly, with no monsters alive on my level, I wound up with the jinxed debuff as well.

    Sadly, I did not get a screenshot of this (I'm not certain that I could prove that the entire level was clear of monsters from a screenshot, so I'm not sure a screenshot would help in this, but if folks think it will, I will attempt. Also, if anyone can think of additional information that could be necessary for this, let me know and I'll try to provide it.

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