Modding Discussion Modding on Mac OS X (Help please)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by armoredelephant, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. armoredelephant

    armoredelephant Space Hobo

    Try uploading with imgurl or something. The image is not working.
  2. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

  3. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    You need to add the comma at the end of the first "assets" line in your file.
  4. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Well, I have a backup of the game. I even tried to replace the files in the assets folder. No success. The game crashes while loading my or a new character.

    I try to add this ship:
    And only the ship, not the locker content!
  5. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken


    It's a quote character issue. I'll edit my initial "how to" post accordingly.

    Copy/paste the quotes that were already in the document. If you use the ones from your keyboard it won't work.

    This top file causes the game to crash instantly. Looks almost identical to the working file below it.

    Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 12.53.49 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 12.55.27 PM.png
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  6. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Still don't work.

  7. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    Copy/paste this in. You still have bad quotes and a missing comma in there.

      "assetSources" : [
      "storageDirectory" : "../../../"
    edit: oops, forgot the /mod/ directory initially. Interestingly, I can create a version of this file that doesn't crash the game, but it also doesn't start a human player with the modified ship either...
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  8. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Thanks, I will try! And I guess I found the reason for the bad quotes! Everytime a type something, the quotes change to the keyboard ones.

    EDIT: ........ still, it just close instantly!
    I tried your one
    And my one
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  9. armoredelephant

    armoredelephant Space Hobo

    You forgot to use his corrected one, he forgot the /mods/ directory and edited it right after.
  10. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    I tried it with the mods directory. But it still didn't work. I hope the Devs will add native mod support soon!

    EDIT: I edited some quotes (damn quotes) and it starts now. IM SOOO HAPPY! But still, can't load a human character.
  11. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    Yeah, I can't get the MST3K one to load properly, but the glowing lantern one works no problem. The game doesn't crash, but it just loads with the default ship/treasure.
  12. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Same here. I will contact the maker of the ship. Since its really awesome and I want to have it so bad.
    Anyway, thank you! :D
  13. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    Well, was able to load the mod by replacing the corresponding files in the game asset directory, but my understanding is that's not the way you're supposed to load mods. Can't get it to go from a mods folder like other mods.

    Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 1.44.06 PM.png
  14. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Can you sent me the ship folder from your assets folder? Because when I replace them the game freeze and then just crashes after 2 minutes!
  15. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    I just backed up the "human" ship folder, then copied the three mod files under "Ships > human" into the Starbound (base level) assets/ships/human folder. It asked if I wanted to overwrite the existing files with the new ones, I said yes and was good to go.

    Using this method I was able to use any of the ship mods that I found. So far I haven't gotten any to load using a proper mods folder, and I'm now wondering if there's a way to delete characters I've created so many as test cases.
  16. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    My game freeze an tells me "Client-Server connection not longer valid"
    And I get that in Single Player!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  17. armoredelephant

    armoredelephant Space Hobo

    So I got my mod to work, thanks a ton deep. IWill, you may have had the same issue as me, here's what happened:

    I copied the coding exactly the way deep had it, with the correct quotations. I then saved it and launched the game and it instantly closed. I then reopened the file, and for some reason 1 of the quotation marks had changed? I then recopied and pasted the quotation and resaved and it launched fine.... this time without changing the quotes. Maybe textedit is auto changing the quote?

    All of my quests were reset though... not sure if this is normal with mods.
  18. deep_pants_mcgee

    deep_pants_mcgee Seal Broken

    Yeah, textedit does some funky auto correct to the quotes when you open files in there. Using the terminal fixes that problem, but most people aren't comfortable in there. The quests might have been reset as part of the server patches/updates that are rolling out fast and furious too.
  19. MiniMagicMan

    MiniMagicMan Space Spelunker

    How do I go back onto star bound now because I tried to download the mod, it did not work so I deleted it but now it does not work. I have tried to uninstall it on steam but that did not help. PLEASE HELP!
  20. iWilliblecha

    iWilliblecha Astral Cartographer

    Slow down! What did you install, what did you change ? In every case, backup your player folder and then delete Starbound via Steam (delete local data), after that, do look into the star bound folder again and delete everything thats still there. Then you download Strabound via Steam and everything should work!

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