MOD-TUTORIAL 4: How to make your own Armor

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ghoul159, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    What do you mean? If you open it in notepad, it will probably make that the default program for that file type which should change its icon. That's perfectly fine.
  2. Warpzeh

    Warpzeh Big Damn Hero

    oh ok thanks
  3. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hmm i have the same problem... xP
  4. pope2142

    pope2142 Seal Broken

    well that's not good news....
  5. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    What's not working for you? Is it still just the recipe not showing up? If so, have you added the line to your player.config and made sure everything is spelled right?
  6. pope2142

    pope2142 Seal Broken

    I would have checked that a few times before posting here.
  7. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Would you be willing to upload a zip of your mod?
  8. pope2142

    pope2142 Seal Broken

    there you go, took out the sprite files though.

    Attached Files:

  9. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh man, that actually had me stumped for a bit. In all 3 recipe files you have an extra comma at the end of the { "item" : "money", "count" : 1 } line. Once you get rid of that it should start working again.
    pope2142 likes this.
  10. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    i know theres an energy regen modifier
    but what about an energy modifer to increase the amount of energy you have?
  11. crazyhair1996

    crazyhair1996 Big Damn Hero

    For Some reason my chest keeps showing up as a generic item. all my other items work fine its just my chestpiece Plz help :(

    I don't know where I messed up but for some reason when I go to craft the chestpiece I created it turns out to be a generic item. All my other armor pieces work fine like my helmet and pants but the chestpiece refuses to work.
    did I mess up putting it in player.config?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  12. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Each of the 3 pieces of armor let you change a different stat. The head does an energy increase, chest does health, and pants do energy regen. You could add the "energyincrease" status effect to the other pieces of armor if you wanted all of them to give extra energy.
  13. RacieB

    RacieB Void-Bound Voyager

    Did you set the recipe so it can be learned? If you want any species to craft it you can put it in player.config, if you only want certain species to craft it you put it in the respective .species file(s).
  14. pope2142

    pope2142 Seal Broken

    tyvm, works now!
  15. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yeah that's not my problem i'm currently trieing it with the .modinfo method... without player.config...

    i want to update this tutorial maybe i look into it tomorrow
  16. pope2142

    pope2142 Seal Broken

    awkward contradictory statements :l
  17. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    How did you fix this? I'm getting the same issue.
  18. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    Just checked all my files and got it to load.
    Now I just can't get the item to load to be crafted... hmmm
  19. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    Do you have to make new female models or can you just force it to use the same model? Not sure if that's why my model chest won't load of it's something else...
  20. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can have it just use one. In the .chest folder there are two spots with a "body" tag. One is female, one is male. Have them both reference the same image.
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