Tutorial MOD-TUTORIAL 3: How to make your own Gun (OUTDATED)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ghoul159, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Then somethin aint right :p
    Did you try using the template and go from there? What do your logs say?

    I know that feel bro... Same to you, what do your logs say? it's probably a .config or projectile by the sound of it
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  2. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Look in your log file, it should have an error at or near the bottom.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  3. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    im going to try and redo it
  4. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Offended Koala' '623' '424'
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Warn: Perf: Assets::loadVariant millis: 1443
    Warn: Slow asset 1.444 : /cinematics/splash.cinematic
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Debug: Correcting path from /terrain/surface/mountainoussurface.terrain to /terrain/surface/mountainousSurface.terrain
    Debug: Correcting path from /terrain/surface/normalsurface.terrain to /terrain/surface/normalSurface.terrain
    Debug: Correcting path from /terrain/surface/relaxedhillssurface.terrain to /terrain/surface/relaxedHillsSurface.terrain
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/breathcritical.effectsource to /effects/breathCritical.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/foodcritical.effectsource to /effects/foodCritical.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/foodrisk.effectsource to /effects/foodRisk.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/healthcritical.effectsource to /effects/healthCritical.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/healthrisk.effectsource to /effects/healthRisk.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/breathrisk.effectsource to /effects/breathRisk.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/multijump.effectsource to /effects/multiJump.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/warmthcritical.effectsource to /effects/warmthCritical.effectsource
    Debug: Correcting path from /effects/warmthrisk.effectsource to /effects/warmthRisk.effectsource
    Info: Created initial window 1254x742
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1254x742
    Debug: Correcting path from /tiles/mods/cerulium.matmod to /tiles/mods/Cerulium.matmod
    Debug: Correcting path from /tiles/mods/rubium.matmod to /tiles/mods/Rubium.matmod
    Debug: Correcting path from /tiles/mods/cerulium.matmod to /tiles/mods/Cerulium.matmod
    Debug: Correcting path from /tiles/mods/rubium.matmod to /tiles/mods/Rubium.matmod
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/bottom/rock04layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/bottom/rock04layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/bottom/rock12layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/bottom/rock12layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/bottom/rock14layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/bottom/rock14layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/bottom/rock15layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/bottom/rock15layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/bottom/rock17layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/bottom/rock17layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/middle/rock01layer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/middle/rock01layer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/middle/rock02.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/middle/rock02.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/middle/rock03.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/middle/rock03.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/middle/rock19.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/middle/rock19.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/middle/rock20.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/middle/rock20.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/claylayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/claylayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/drydirtlayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/drydirtlayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/drysandlayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/drysandlayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/gravellayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/gravellayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/mudlayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/mudlayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/sandlayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/sandlayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/top/sandstonelayer.undergroundbiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/top/sandstonelayer.undergroundbiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/core/blaststonecorelayer.corebiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/core/blaststonecorelayer.corebiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/core/magmarockcorelayer.corebiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/core/magmarockcorelayer.corebiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /biomes/underground/generic/core/obisidiancorelayer.corebiome to /biomes/underground/Generic/core/obisidiancorelayer.corebiome
    Debug: Correcting path from /mynewgun/projectiles/mynewgunprojectile.projectile to /MyNewGun/projectiles/MyNewGunProjectile.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /mynewgunmod/mynewgun/projectiles/mynewgunprojectile.projectile to /MyNewGunMod/MyNewGun/projectiles/MyNewGunProjectile.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/npcs/staticfireball/staticfireball.projectile to /projectiles/npcs/staticFireball/staticFireball.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/chomp1/chomp1.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/chomp1/chomp1.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/chomp2/chomp2.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/chomp2/chomp2.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/chomp3/chomp3.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/chomp3/chomp3.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/chomp4/chomp4.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/chomp4/chomp4.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/swoopdown1/swoopdown1.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/swoopdown1/swoopdown1.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/swoopup1/swoopup1.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/swoopup1/swoopup1.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/testsideswoosh/testsideswoosh.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/testsideswoosh/testsideswoosh.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/testswoosh/testswoosh.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/testswoosh/testswoosh.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/testswoosh2/testswoosh2.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/testswoosh2/testswoosh2.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/testswoosh4/testswoosh4.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/testswoosh4/testswoosh4.projectile
    Debug: Correcting path from /projectiles/swoosh/unused/thrust1/thrust1.projectile to /projectiles/swoosh/Unused/thrust1/thrust1.projectile
    Warn: Slow asset 0.078 : /projectiles/explosions/robotwake/robotwake.projectile
    Error: Exception caught in Thread Async root loader: StarException: Duplicate projectile asset typeName MyNewGunProjectile. configfile /mynewgunmod/mynewgun/projectiles/mynewgunprojectile.projectile
    004DCF5F (C:/starbound/source/game/StarRoot.cpp:154)
    004016D8 (C:/starbound/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:302)
    0095162C (C:/starbound/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:74)

    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: [ [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 796, "Sum(ms)", 2243, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1443, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 2824.12, "VMax(ms)", 1443, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 107, "Sum(ms)", 2069, "Avg", 19, "SAvg", 24, "Min", 15, "Max", 129, "Last", 94, "Var(avg,us)", 58962.6, "VMax(ms)", 111, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 200, "Sum(ms)", 1282, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 12, Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent millis: 721
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 722
    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 1129, "Sum(ms)", 20684, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 722, "Last", 94, "Var(avg,us)", 8219.66, "VMax(ms)", 707, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 2937, "Sum(ms)", 13765, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 18, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 3686.76, "VMax(ms)", 17, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1068, "Sum(ms)", 11876, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 18, "Last", 8, "Var(avg,us)", 5736.89, "VMax(ms)", 12, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 1127, "Sum(ms)", 5838, "Avg", 5, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 59, "Last", 5, "Var(avg,us)", 5527.06, "VMax(ms)", 53, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 791, "Sum(ms)", 2260, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1422, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 2867.26, "VMax(ms)", 1422, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1869, "Sum(ms)", 1889, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 10.7009, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 1186, "Sum(ms)", 877, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 721, "Last", 89, "Var(avg,us)", 1467.96, "VMax(ms)", 721, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 85, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 10, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 94.8582, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 85, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 8, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 100.177, "VMax(ms)", 8, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 83, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 8, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 98.4043, "VMax(ms)", 8, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 46, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 8, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 65.6028, "VMax(ms)", 8, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 38, "Avg", 19, "SAvg", 18, "Min", 18, "Max", 20, "Last", 20, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 9, "Avg", 9, "SAvg", 9, "Min", 9, "Max", 9, "Last", 9, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5.31915, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 2, "Min", 1, "Max", 3, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1000, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 1185, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.53165, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 1185, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.53165, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 1185, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.53165, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.77305, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 1185, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.843882, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 1128, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.886525, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 137, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ] ]
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
  5. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    I figured it out, it was something with the projectile... how do i fix it???? :D
  6. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Duplicate projectile asset typeName MyNewGunProjectile.

    You have two projectiles with the same name. One of them is mynewgunprojectile.projectile, you're going to have to find the other and rename one of them. When you rename it, change the name inside the file as well.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  7. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    Warn: Slow asset 0.103 : /dubstepgun/projectiles/dubstepgun.projectile
    Error: Exception caught in Thread Async root loader: StarException: Failed to load projectile '/dubstepgun/projectiles/dubstepgun.projectile
    ... (2)
    004DCF5F (C:/starbound/source/game/StarRoot.cpp:154)
    004016D8 (C:/starbound/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:302)
    0095162C (C:/starbound/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:74)

    its actually this problem... i found the other projectile and deleted it..
  8. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Does dubstepgun.projectile exist? If so, could you upload it so I can take a look?
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  9. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    "projectileName" : "dubstep",
    "frames" : "dubstep.png",
    "animationCycle" : 0.25,
    "level" : 3,
    "energyCostPerDamagePoint" : 1,
    "frameNumber" : 4,
    "damageKindImage" : "dubstepicon.png",
    "pointLight" : true,
    "actionOnReap" : [
    "action" : "config",
    "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/plasmaexplosion2/plasmaexplosion2.config"
    "power" : 50.0,
    "damageKind" : "default"
  10. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    You need a comma on the line before "power"
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  11. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    Warn: Slow asset 0.284 : /Xblaster/xblaster/animation/xblastermf.animation
    Warn: Perf: Player::tickMaster millis: 285
    Warn: Perf: WorldClient::update millis: 285
    Warn: Perf: UniverseClient::update millis: 285
    Error: VariantException: Improper conversion to VariantMap from null

    Any idea? Do you need the rest of the info?
    Using muzzleflash1 animation because I thought the other one was the issue.
    Everything's named correctly and the item loads up and all that...

    "frames": "xblastermf.png",
    "variants": 6,
    "frameNumber": 1,
    "animationCycle": 0.03,
    "offset": [

    *realized i had 6 frames in taht animation so i changed value to 6 for variants, but it still crashed. Also tried 1, no luck*

    *** Now copying from muzzleflash to have exact info ***
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  12. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    It loaded up, but i went to go craft it and there is nothing there
  13. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm going to need the actual error the slow asset warning isn't the issue.
    *look for something staring with this - Error:
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  14. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you add the recipe to player.config?

    @M4X_L10N, the log info you posted wont really be useful, that's just the game closing down. I'm not really sure about the animation bit, I haven't messed with them too much yet.
    G4M5T3R likes this.
  15. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    Hey i got starbound to start, but my crafting didnt show up...
  16. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    where is the config???
  17. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Starbound/assets/player.config you will want to use something like notepad++ to open it for readability
    *personally I avoid the player config if I can, like by modding the .species files instead, but that's not allways the most efficient course.
  18. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    Yah I edited it out, seemed worthless.
    I'm using the exact default muzzleflash1 renamed and it's giving me that slow asset crash.
  19. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    can you drag and drop your log file into a post for me
  20. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    ok so now how do i add the recipie??
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