Tutorial MOD-TUTORIAL 3: How to make your own Gun (OUTDATED)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ghoul159, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hey thank you very much i'll try that and if it helps i'll update the tutorial...
  2. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yay i know now where the problem is the files have to be in another subfolder... the structure doesn't matter... :)

    PS: i updated the example file too...
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    G4M5T3R likes this.
  3. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Good to know
  4. kkk

    kkk Intergalactic Tourist


    Hello Everyone

    gun is Works perfectly




    player is no "inspectionKind" : "gun",

    player is Do not know gun

    "inspectionKind" : "gun", delete

    muzzleEffect = fireanimations, fireSound both

    I can only help those who want to create a mode to give up.

    Good luck Everyone
  5. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i already uploaded a working template but thanks :)
  6. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer


    My gun is back.

    First : Thanks to Ghoul159 for updating this guide.

    Second : I still have no idea what I did wrong.

    The only thing I could find that was wrong was my coding of the .GUN file.

    Does it matter where you place lines of code? I think this was messing up my mod. I put my GUN file side by side with Ghoul159's for comparison. They were identical, except for some of the lines were in different spots.


    Found the problem. After the patch the GUN files added new lines of code. The revolver GUN file in the assets folder does not contain these new codes. Using the revolver GUN file as a template was screwing me up.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  7. kkk

    kkk Intergalactic Tourist

  8. kkk

    kkk Intergalactic Tourist

    add line

    "inspectionKind" : "gun",
    "kind" : "Pistol",
  9. Shale_Tukalan

    Shale_Tukalan Space Hobo

    For some reason, I cannot even get it in my crafting menu. I followed everything to the letter. I originally tried to bring the Buster into the game, but then I tried to just do the Revolver and even still, it's not in the crafting menu.
  10. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you add the recipe to your player.config? Would you be willing to upload your mod so we could take a look at it?
  11. michealv

    michealv Industrial Terraformer

    Well it took a couple goes, but I finally made a working revolver.

    Now I can take what I've learned here, and craft some weak guns for people to use against the UFO boss / Giant Jelly, so they don't get Occupational Overuse Syndrome using the bow lol....
  12. shineypichu

    shineypichu Space Hobo

    Hi !

    I'm french and i have a problem with your tutorial . I would create a gun but if i launch the game with mi mods i have this message


    mi mods

    thank for your help and sorry for mi bad english

    Attached Files:

  13. Eathed

    Eathed Pangalactic Porcupine

    You have a couple errors in some of them. Your .gun file should look like this
      "itemName" : "Pistohap",
      "inventoryIcon" : "Pistohapicon.png",
      "decription" : "La main de Hap prenez garde!",
      "shortdescription" : "Pistohap",
      "dropCollision" : [-8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 3.0],
      "maxStack" : 1,
      "level" : 32,
      "rarity" : "Legendary",
      "inspectionKind" : "gun",
      "image" : "Pistohap.png",
      "recoilTime" : 0.1,
      "handPosition" : [-5.5, -3],
      "firePosition" : [12, 3],
      "fireTime" : 0.5,
      "twoHanded" : false,
      "projectileType" : "PistohapProjectile",
      "projectile" : {
      "power" : 48,
      "color" : [10, 255, 10]
      "muzzleEffect" : {
        "animation" : "/Pistohap/muzzleflash/PistohapMF.animation",
        "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/Pistohap/sfx/Pistohap.wav" } ]
    Your .modinfo file should look like this.
        "Name": "Pistohap",
        "version": "Beta v. Offended Koala",
        "path": ".",
        "dependencies": []
    In the first file, you were missing two commas. One between the "shortdescription" line and the "dropCollision" line. Another between the "power" line and the "color" line. In the second file you were missing a comma between the "Name" line and the "version" line.
    You can paste your things into http://jsonlint.com/ and it will tell you if there are any errors with it.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  14. shineypichu

    shineypichu Space Hobo

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  15. Dewall

    Dewall Master Chief

    Right after shooting, Game crashes.. it could be the new update.. i think.

    Anyway, with the Bubble Gun or Brain extractor example it wont crash.. BUT, it has no sound than..

    Anything is wrong with the Sound/ Muzzle effect..
  16. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Open your Starbound logs and scroll near the bottom. It will tell you what's going wrong.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  17. Dewall

    Dewall Master Chief

    Did not tell me anything.. only things that worked.
  18. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Did you check it right after crashing the game by firing your gun? If so it should have told you something near-ish the bottom.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  19. JackJack1000

    JackJack1000 Space Hobo

    did everything right but when i open starbound it doesnt load up!!!
  20. M4X_L10N

    M4X_L10N The Court

    I seem to have everything working FINALLY, besides my game crashing when I shoot the gun.... So many coding errors on my part, holy hell. This is a trying process, I've been at this Megaman X Buster for about 6 hours now. So much testing and revision.
    Any main reasons this happens?
    G4M5T3R likes this.
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