Tutorial MOD-TUTORIAL 3: How to make your own Gun (OUTDATED)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ghoul159, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer


    It was showing up before I started moving files and folders around. It just wouldn't shoot.

    Going over the path locations to see if I misplaced a , or something.
  2. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    Could you post the file structure and maybe contents of the text files?
  3. ashbash2000

    ashbash2000 Intergalactic Tourist

    HELP it lets me craft my gun but the icon doesnt show up and it doesnt let let me fire it plz help
  4. Sidewinder

    Sidewinder Void-Bound Voyager

    My weapon needs 2500 Energy, and my character only has like 1100. I already edited the projectile and the corresponding "bulletexplosion.config"-file.

    But lower the energy amount of "energyCostPerDamagePoint" : 0.01, and "explosiveDamageAmount" : 0.01, did not bring any effect. I am again not able to fire the weapon. WTH is this? Before the update I had none of those problems.

    Setting the amounts to zero also brought nothing. I now "cheated" my energy up to 50000 and energy regeneration to 5000 to get it to work. But that can't be the solution.

    Thanks to User "ato'90" in the thread "Bypassing "gunLevelEnergyCostPerDamage"" I was able to resolve my energy problem by adding the "classMultiplier"-attribute to my gun. =D
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  5. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you can look for the error in the starbound.log file :)

    if you fire and it crashes just look in the starbound .log file it shows you the problem...

    oh ok nice :)
  6. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer

    Ok, so I sort of found a fix for my problem.

    I just downloaded a gun mod ( Plasma Cutter by: Chieron ). The read me file tells you to place the contents in the Starbound/assests not the Starbound/mods (mods_go_here) folder.

    Started the game, and it works. Placed my own gun mod in there, same results. Doesn't fire. So there's an error on my part.

    Replacing images, sounds, and effects from Chieron's mod till I find what I did wrong.


    So I decided to download another gun mod. This one is placed in the Starbound/mods folder and works. Will be dissecting this one till I find my problem.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  7. terrariacow

    terrariacow Subatomic Cosmonaut


    >< not sure what im doing wrong.. gun wont render in game and crashes the game with no error

    the gun is formatted properly as far as I can tell, but in the game it is totally invisible and when fired crashes the client with no error, can someone help me please?

    here's the gun mod
    and an image of the weapon as well


    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  8. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    my new uploaded file is in the mods folder too ;)
  9. Nimnon

    Nimnon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To those of you with "It wont shoot" turn down the power OR add "classMultiplyer" : 0.5 to your gun, it will lower the engergy costs, higher power guns require more energy
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  10. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yea i have the same issue after the last patch :( i'm already trieing to find a solution...
  11. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Damn... I keep getting a generic item and the recipe won't even show in tabularasa with a "mod" tag??? The .gun, .animation, .projectiIe, .frames files and sfx all seem to be in order. I wonder what it is I'm doing wrong? Time to double triple check everything...
  12. TransfoCrent

    TransfoCrent Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is there a way to set it to where you can only use the gun if you're wearing a specific item? I want to make it so that you can't use this gun unless you're wearing a crown.
  13. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm having issues with this. I'm trying to use guns as kind of a placeholder for a few special powers (i wanted to go with tech but I think that requires a lua for each one). When making a unique gun the <name>.projectile file calls a <projectile>.config file like this
    "actionOnReap" : [
          "action" : "config",
          "file" : "/projectiles/<name>/<name>.config"
    // I also tried this
    "actionOnReap" : [
          "action" : "config",
          "file" : "/<modname>/projectiles/<name>/<name>.config"
    The logs are telling me that it's trying to search the assets folder and not the mods, when it does, it can't find <name>.config and crashes the game when I use the "gun". :( I need to know how to get .projectile to point to the .config. The mod mimics the assets file structure and they are both in the same file so it shouldn't be that hard, the game is reading the .projectile so I'm confused. :confused:

    *I've tried doing this both by .modinfo and by placing into the assets (changing file structure and paths where needed) both ways have the same end result.

    **So I deleted those two lines so it could just proceed with the next set of actions. That seemed to fix it, but without getting to use the effects from the .config
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  14. TransfoCrent

    TransfoCrent Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm having the same problem as you guys. Gun's completely invisible.
  15. JerikTelorian

    JerikTelorian Void-Bound Voyager

    Does anyone know what handPositon and firePosition are relative to? I am having some difficulty aligning these.
  16. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    where you hand holds the gun and where the projectile leaves the gun
  17. CreepyVogelsBird

    CreepyVogelsBird Void-Bound Voyager

    How do you add a mod to your player.config. sorry i'm new to the whole modding of starbound
  18. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you shouldn't have to but i have a terrible error where i have not found a solution for... i'll look into it tomorrow...
  19. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i don't know sorry :(

    yeah i have a similar issue right now :(

    it constantly tells me my image has to be absolute.... and it seemingly dosen't matter where i place it :(
  20. G4M5T3R

    G4M5T3R Cosmic Narwhal

    Are you using the .modinfo method? If so I resolved all of my "must be absolute" errors by exactly copying the assets file structure. Even if adding new items not just changing existing assets. I too was having the issue with my .png files not being put to use like some above. Making sure every path and file structure was like that of the assets folder resolved those errors. That's when I ran into the post above, after that I couldn't get energy to be consumed. Now, after double triple quadruple checking every file, path, and comma I finally got it to work.
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