Tutorial MOD-TUTORIAL 3: How to make your own Gun (OUTDATED)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Ghoul159, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Syviery

    Syviery Starship Captain

    I don't know what I did wrong, i followed the instructions and I can craft the gun and equip it but when I click to fire the game doesn't do anything but every once in a while when I click it closes itself.
  2. KniknokOne

    KniknokOne Aquatic Astronaut

    I did everything like you but I just get a "Perfectly Generic Item" (it looks like a green box...) at my custom crafting table. At least the recipe works :/
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  3. nathiesk

    nathiesk Master Chief

    I've tried dozens of times now, and the game won't even load with this...

    "itemName" : "gethpulserifle",
    "inventoryIcon" : "gethpulserifleicon.png",
    "shortdescription" : "Geth Pulse Rifle",
    "description" : "Geth Pulse Rifle.",
    "dropCollision" : [-8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 3.0],
    "maxStack" : 1,
    "level" : 40,
    "rarity" : "Legendary",
    "inspectionKind" : "gun",
    "image" : "gethpulserifle.png",
    "recoilTime" : 0.1,
    "handPosition" : [-2, 0],
    "firePosition" : [12, 3],
    "fireTime" : 0.20,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "projectileType" : "blueplasmabullet",
    "projectile" : {
    "power" : 100,
    "speed" : 60,

    "muzzleEffect" : {
    "animation" : "/GethPulseRifle/muzzleflash/gethmuzzle.animation",
    "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_ar2.wav" } ]

    and the recipe

    "input" : [
    { "item" : "money", "count" : 100 }
    "output" : {
    "item" : "gethpulserifle",
    "count" : 1
    "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ]

    I don't get it, what am I doing wrong? :c
    Yes, and I did add the line to player.cfg.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  4. Sidewinder

    Sidewinder Void-Bound Voyager

    The newest patch demolished weapons as it seems. Just wait for the next patch or someone who knows a workaround for this. I am also experiencing this problem with my custom weapon. It worked before "Offended Koala", but right after the update: the weapon cannot be fired. Recipes, producing, etc. works as intended. But the weapon itself does just not work.
  5. hsidnomeL

    hsidnomeL Void-Bound Voyager

    There shouldn't be a comma after speed. It's the last modifier in the projectile, so it doesn't need one. Everything else looks fine.
  6. nathiesk

    nathiesk Master Chief

    Come to think of it... could it be the .png of the gun causing it? I think it lost the transparency...
  7. hsidnomeL

    hsidnomeL Void-Bound Voyager

    No, you can use pngs without transparency, they just look terrible.
  8. nathiesk

    nathiesk Master Chief

    I really just don't get it.
    Other mods I've downloaded work fine. Mine just makes the game load for all eternity.
  9. hsidnomeL

    hsidnomeL Void-Bound Voyager

    You should check the starbound log file. It will tell you why your game isn't loading. When I get home I'll take a closer look at the code you posted and see if I can get it working for you.
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  10. nathiesk

    nathiesk Master Chief

    Ah, thanks! Got it to work now. c:
    Ghoul159 likes this.
  11. Syviery

    Syviery Starship Captain

    Where is the section for changing the energy cost?
  12. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    in .projectile:
    "energyCostPerDamagePoint" : 15,

    and you added it to the player.config?

    yea i'll do that today or tomorrow...

    no it still works.... look in your log file for errors...
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  13. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer

    Looking forward to updated guide.

    My progress, I mirrored what I needed from the assets folder and threw them in the mods folder.

    Threw second player.config and .modinfo in there also. Changed some path locations around.

    In game I'm able to craft my gun, but it doesn't fire. This is where I'm stuck.
  14. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    Damn, my mod plan is currently on hold then! Back to doing... nothing? :/
  15. Ghoul159

    Ghoul159 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i just updated my tutorial yay! :)
    Phoenix_ likes this.
  16. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    Thank you so much, saved my day! :)

    EDIT: I had also reinstalled starbound entirely due to the fact that I could not launch the game after removing my mod before the update lol! :c
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  17. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    I'm having some troubles with creating custom Bows, everything is working fine; only there is no physical Texture for the bow! (when you hold it) :/

    File Structure:

    "itemName" : "silverbow",
    "inventoryIcon" : "silverbowicon.png",
    "dropCollision" : [-8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 3.0],
    "maxStack" : 1,
    "rarity" : "Rare",
    "description" : "A silver hunting bow, monsters killed with a bow drop tasty meat. ^green;Mod: Better Bows Mod",
    "shortdescription" : "Silver Hunting Bow",
    "image" : "silverbowfull.png:<frame>",
    "imageFrameSelector" : "bowImageSelector",
    "handPosition" : [0, -1],
    "firePosition" : [20, 1.5],
    "level" : 1,
    "fireTime" : 0.70,
    "twoHanded" : true,

    "fireOnRelease" : true,
    "walkWhileFiring" : true,

    "projectileType" : "woodenarrow",
    "powerProjectileType" : "chargedarrow",
    "powerProjectileTime" : [0.9, 1.1],
    "projectile" : {
    "speed" : 62,
    "speedCurve" : "drawTimeMultiplier",
    "power" : 5,
    "powerCurve" : "drawTimeMultiplier",
    "color" : [10, 255, 10]

    "muzzleEffect" : {
    "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/bow_loose.wav" } ]

    "frameGrid" : {
    "size" : [16, 32],
    "dimensions" : [5, 1]

    EDIT: Fixed. The .frames file needs to have the same name as the "full" image name!
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  18. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer

    Thanks for the update but now nothing shows up.

    No crafting icon, no gun image, still doesn't shoot.

    Going to wipe and re-install. Think something got screwed up after the mods I put in plus the patch.
  19. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    Did you add it to your player.config file?
  20. Sidewinder

    Sidewinder Void-Bound Voyager

    Log file is empty, no errors. But I found out why the weapon isn't firing: it just needs to much energy for my lvl 1 guy. After "correcting" this issue, the weapon is now working fine. Thanks for the backup! =)
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