Modding Discussion [Mod request] Recycled Capture pod

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Shadox2.0, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Hi , the name isnt that good but the idea is simple IMO.

    It's for add a station for empty a full captur pod.

    For exemple you have 2 time the same mob , and you want back a clean capture pod , you put it in the station and it "delette" the monster inside , giving back a "fresh" empty capture pod.

    Of cours i check before if a mod like that was already made but it don't seem to be the case , so if never someone want to create it , you'll aleady have 2 subscriber.

    Also for now we can simply put the filled pod in the trash and use admin for get 1 back , but a legit way should be cool i think.

    Have a nice day
  2. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    Heya, not a bad idea! I went ahead and made it but I don't have access to the workshop. So you'll need to manually install it or host it on the workshop yourself.

    Attached Files:

    Shadox2.0 likes this.
  3. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Ok thx , sorry i didnt come on forum these week so i missed it ^^

    I'll try it soon or late don't worry (and give you feedback)

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