[MOB] Cadilyaks

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Dragonith, May 29, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
    Quakerabos portonus ("Four Horned Ox")
    Cadilyaks are large beasts of burden, a common domesticated animal for travel and rations. Highly resembling of Earth's own bovine animals, Cadilyaks behave very similarly to their Earth counterparts. They graze on galactic soil, nonchalantly feeding on large quantities of vegetation per day.

    These giant animals are highly valued by nomads for their dairy bi-products, meat, and silky fur. Such items are quite popular during trading sessions with other races, in particular the cheese wheels created from the curdling process of Cadilyak milk.

    Cadilyak males tend to have larger horns than females, and are 50% more aggressive during the mating season. A careless spacefarer may meet the end tips of a Cadilyak's four horns if the animal is provoked.


  2. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would love to mount one of these and ride the planets of SB!
    BrenSage likes this.
  3. Monkolian_of_Grophus

    Monkolian_of_Grophus Void-Bound Voyager

    What the heck?
    Why is your art getting successively better every post?

    Anyway, I love the idea!
    Just how big are these things? Are we talkin' Yak sized, or full out elephant? Or bigger?
  4. Roughly about an elephant's size in height.

    And thanks again! :D
  5. Monkolian_of_Grophus

    Monkolian_of_Grophus Void-Bound Voyager

    They look like they could eat entire trees.
    Maybe they actually could do that in game?
    Although if you were going lumbering, it might be annoying having to race against them...
    But fun too.
  6. Chainsaw surgeon

    Chainsaw surgeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It'll be like having a war elephant, but better.
    Dementia likes this.
  7. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would have my char in the armor of the avatar picture i have and have one of these Cadilyaks with a massive cannon on the back xD
  8. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    reminds me a bit of a appa from avatar :)
    but i would love a mount like this one!! headbutting any enemy that comes my way!! :) :)
    soulsilver12 and SepticSauce like this.
  9. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think this is a great well thought out idea!:)
    MrCreeper123125 likes this.
  10. Overkill lol. xD

    Actually, Appa was one of my inspirations for making this animal lol. The first sketch I made for the Cadilyak resembled him a lot actually. :D
  11. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Back in the back of a cadilyak ♪ :iswydt:
    Really really nice.
  12. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Have you showed this to a dev yet I think one would love it I know I want one in game!:)
    MrCreeper123125 likes this.
  13. LOL:rofl: Bantha?:yoda:
    Very, very neat art, ox cowrse:lolwut:
  14. Swinburn

    Swinburn Phantasmal Quasar

    Do you draw this?

    It is amazing.
  15. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    Would love to see this in-game :) :iswydt:
  16. Atrixy

    Atrixy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Original, interesting, and with an awesome concept art. What else would I need to love it? All your monster ideas are just epic. Keep up the good work! :iswydt:
  17. Liquidified

    Liquidified Big Damn Hero

    Those would be fun to ride... :DD
  18. Just going by the "wheel of fate" for that. xD


    Eh? I believe I told you in my Tru'Dont thread I drew the artwork depicted. That applies to all of my suggestions actually.~

    But thanks again. ^^

    And thank you everyone else for your comments! Motivates me to keep this up! :D
    blind sniper likes this.
  19. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    MrCreeper123125 likes this.
  20. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dude your ideas and art are awesome xD !!!!

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