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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    i can try to work on that, maybe the next new race could have derricks as pets haha
  2. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    That's my job m8

    ill rek u i swer on me mum
  3. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    its ok, just checking if i could give a hand with that and finish the missing frames so Derrick dont turn into a cat randomly
  4. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Dun take him too serious... xD
  5. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    Just some banter m8, I'm actually working on it though, sorry to dissapoint your sexy skills
  6. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Forgot to mention that in the last post
    Next tutorial will probably be about race-creation so you can give that a shot then.
  7. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    i will check that, still i always liked vanilla games over moded ones because updates usually mess up with the mods, but i can help anyway
  8. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    You won't encounter that problem here (well, if you're the dev / part of the team / the mod authorities are set to open source)
    Modding section gets your mod updated in less then a day.
  9. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    Even tho i enjoy the feedback in this topic, i would rather have a comunity chat or any kind of chat instead of the forum, we shouldnt use this topic as a live chat =/
    Mouseizure likes this.
  10. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    WHY NOT!
    Well, I'm on irc too, skype, steam, I'm free for really anything.
    As long as we call the group Derrick Rescue Squad
  11. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager


    I have Skype and Steam.
  12. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    Same, and i dont have any problem with the group name, send a private message with the group information of either Skype or Steam
  13. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    For anyone willing to join, add up silvar1992 in skype.
    (Yes, I know I just posted my ID openly in the interwebs)
    TheBigBlueSerpent likes this.
  14. Rex Blackbeak

    Rex Blackbeak Spaceman Spiff

    NUUUUU... Derrick... I Feel S-so ****** Sad!!! WHY!!! Starbound Why!!!
  15. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

  16. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  17. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    B....but....I thought we'd see Derrick again!!! Why are they torturing us like this? :cry::cry::cry:
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  18. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

  19. LethalShade

    LethalShade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Gj dude, you're in the game now
  20. Moon Star

    Moon Star Cosmic Narwhal

    Derrick is cannon, good work!

    I hope this doesn't mean that they won't put Derrick back though.
    Hawk Novablast and LethalShade like this.

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