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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, I can.
    HEY @Owl_Stalker !
    He's helping out!... xD

    DAMN! Too slow!
    The Squid, Mouseizure and Owl_Stalker like this.
  2. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

  3. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    Thats exactly what happen...
  4. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    'kay, I'll get back whenever I found something that could fix it.
    Hope you're okay with simple mods in your game. Can't fix that vanilla-wise.
  5. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Have you installed mods that effect galaxy generation recently? If so, was the planet a new or old one?
  6. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's an idea!

    I don't know!
    Kayuko likes this.
  7. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Lol'd hard. :kitten2:
  8. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[DOUBLEPOST=1431619625][/DOUBLEPOST]Here's my modified spritesheet m8

  9. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    You can also do the inspect, swim and sound once if you want, whenever you've got time.
    I like the eat one, lol.

    Tell me if you're working on the others tho, if not I'll re-release it with those animations for now.
  10. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll do it in a bit, I'm lazy.

    Also, is this going to get it's own entry in the mod repository?
  11. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Sure, why not.
    It'll be a really small mod but hey, it's derrick, at least. :kitten2:
  12. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Liked the post for it's overwhelming amount of content. X:
    Sorry~ xD
    Mouseizure likes this.
  14. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    I am getting pretty bored often when i am in home, also i enjoy doing pixel art when i have time, so i would like to learn and help with this kind of stuff if someone is willing to teach me more about starbound and give me a task. As i can see with this Derrick topic, and the frames made by the Derrick Saviors (they should have a forum badge or tittle), is basic pixel art with each frame.

    (as one example, i did the pixel art in my forum avatar, also sorry for my bad english, is not my main language, but is easy to understand)
  15. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, it is actually that easy.
    All you need is basic pixelart knowledge (and you're far from basic, looking at your avatar. Nicely done!) and a plan.
    Due to modding dynamics the latter is semi-important tho. You don't need to force-fit an animation in 4 frames just because it's shown in 4 frames in the spritesheet posted above, you can use 12 frames if you want, or less. Even more. I can still fit it into an animation.

    So yeah, it's basically just drawing Derrick in different positions (or rather, altering, that's easier then redrawing him each frame).
    As for tasks, if you're looking for work you can acceppt Pixel Art requests in the modding section or keep working on the spritesheet posted earlier.
    You could also look up some tutorials in the modding section to get into modding, if you're going to take that path I'm there to guide you.
    I'm always keeping an eye on new modders and try to help them where I can.

    So yeah, the rest is up to you. :D
  16. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    That would help greatly, as i'm kinda shit at doing stuff.

    Hey, at least i'm honest.
    Kayuko likes this.
  17. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Perfect! I love it. His eyes dimming when he goes to sleep is a really nice touch.

    Edit: my suggestion for the inspect sprite would be to have his tail move up and down slightly and his eyes rapidly change color.
  18. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager


    IST GUT!
  19. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Okay! Nu nurnoch deutsch! Und du bis schuld!

    Jk jk.
    Mouseizure likes this.
  20. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager


    ayy lmao

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