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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry for not fixing my progress; It was too hard to do. But if we can somehow make a derrick ship pet, the OP would be happy as hell m8
  2. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Oh, you missed dat train. Look a few posts above. If you want you can release it on the modpage.
  3. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    I couldn't finish it, it was too screwed up; I kept getting errors about assets and stuff... but if someone does the spriting and helps me with the scipt...code stuff it'll be good.

    I also think there should be a way to make derrick follow you outside of the ship, like the outpost for example.
  4. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Mouseizure likes this.
  5. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    lol thanks mate

    All we need to do is finish the sprite with that owl_, and then finish off the code and possibly add a few things.

    then 10/10 -IGN

    Derrick should be in the next pokemon game
  6. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    The mod is working really well! :D but when eating and sleeping, Derrick turns back into a cat. But on the bright side:


    I have my little buddy back. *Sheds tear* Thank you...
    enderpony, rhomboid, Peelz and 9 others like this.
  7. Supernorn

    Supernorn Starbound Artist and Parallax Pixel Pusher Chucklefish

  8. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    Very thoughtful Supernorn, now yongzhi2000 can even send postcards about his successful journey. :love:
  9. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere


    HELL YEAH! Another item to decorate my Derrick-shrine ship with.
    mollygos likes this.
  10. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager



  11. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Heheh, now ain't that cuter than a cat with Lilypichus voice?
  12. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    Yes, I always knew that... I didn't want to break your heart.... But now you have a new & improved Derrick! It sleeps! It fetches! It aggressively bolts down large quantities of steak!
    The Squid and Yzzey like this.
  13. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

  14. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    It can't actually eat or sleep, just sayin'. x:
    It'll make a mysterious transformation into a mysterious black cat once it tries. xD
  15. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager

    We'll get around to fixing that... I 'spose I can give it a shot...
  16. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    That'd be awesome. :D
    You can make it even cuter, if you give it your all!
    Cute sleep sprites are cute.
  17. Mouseizure

    Mouseizure Void-Bound Voyager


    ...AT STUFF[DOUBLEPOST=1431616721][/DOUBLEPOST]also can someone tell Owl_Stalker i'm gonna help out?
    Yzzey, Owl_Stalker and Kayuko like this.
  18. WingedSpear

    WingedSpear Big Damn Hero

    i had the same issue as you with my older pod pet, he was a little white snow creature, i called hem Larry, but after some updates...he was gone, now i wanted to have a new pet since i couldnt find any that looks like larry, but when i tried to get hem...this is what happen u_u:


    He turn into that horrible thing every time i release hem from the pod u_u
  19. Kayuko

    Kayuko Oxygen Tank

    Huh... I'll study some capturepods and how they work.
    Maybe I stumble across something.

    When exactly does this happen?
    Like, you capture him and when you summon him he's that "thing"?
  20. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    No. Nobody can tell me. Not even myself!
    The Squid and Mouseizure like this.

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