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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    I am using that mod, that's why I found 2 black and white Derricks in the same solar system :p[DOUBLEPOST=1412004417][/DOUBLEPOST]DERRICK RESCUE REPORT 03
    29/9/2014 at Alpha 16 Dra 0123 I a
    by Fayli "Fay" Featherdust

    I've encountered a couple of Derrick's biological relatives, they were as useful with finding Derrick as they were with explaining how can they breathe on a moon with no oxygen.
    Their answers for both were "We have no idea".
    The fact that their skin has a dark orange tint makes me feel as if I'm being teased.
    Anyway I shall now return to my search.

    Fayli Featherdust, out.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
    Yzzey likes this.
  2. khamnarei

    khamnarei Void-Bound Voyager

    I decided to try something a bit crazy!
    Using experimental dimensional technology, I sent my spacecraft back in time in the hopes of seeing the original Derrick homeworld.

    Alas, when I finally gathered the resources to travel to the fabled destination, there was mysteriously no star in sight. Perhaps I have jumped back too far? Not enough? Or perhaps my dimensional contraption was flawed to begin with.


    Not wanting to leave completely empty handed, I sequenced the DNA of a derrick species which happened to turn up nearby.


    Back in the present, I apprehensively reconstructed the gene sequence and inserted it into a blank capsule. So much had changed in between Derrick's original time and now... I fully expected the resulting newborn would be a hopeless jumble (like that delinquent platypus?) that barely resembled the original source.


    This is something I really didn't expect. The new creature is almost the same down to the colours! Unfortunately the resemblance in the most important part, the head.. is gone. Still, this shows creature generation has not changed as much as assumed. What all this means is, if Yongzhi still has any backups of their original world or character, it will be possible to retrieve a correctly coloured creature with very high %similarity into the present universe.

    Well, back to our original schedule of normal searching. The new mod is a great thing but I am going to choose not to use it because I think Derrick will be more special if he is not always everywhere in the universe. I've also started sequencing the DNA of each notable species I find, as even if something happens to a planet in the future it will still be possible for anyone to artificially reconstruct the creature from a lab environment.


    Black Stegosaurus Derrick
    DNA: 8562337940094185438
    X Anser 583 IIa x+56696548 y+52836102
    Shallow underground, volcanic area

    Don't be fooled by the placid look of this waddling grazer! If you get on its wrong side it can suddenly spring into territorial action with a burst of agility you wouldn't expect from something of that bulk. It propels whole strings of solid ice blocks from its mouth and would probably be a dependable fighter.


    Arctic Ridgeback Derrick
    DNA: 12803665593617172811
    X Polaris Gal Bor. 6709 VII x-67442277 y-31700020
    Surface, snow

    A beautiful, elusive species that easily blends into the mountainous ice ridges of its home. It is naturally docile and can be seen foraging in packs. If danger arises it shoots a single plasma star that bounces off floors and tunnels.
    Yzzey and Feathery Dust like this.
  3. thunderskull833

    thunderskull833 Orbital Explorer

    and we can probably go to the sb zurfa server to start and we might be able to also round up some novakid + and peglaci i hear there pretty popular so we should get some people like that[DOUBLEPOST=1412030896][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i think i should tell my avali soldier feather dust about this my friends will be most pleased;)
    Feathery Dust and Hatsya Souji like this.
  4. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    I'm resuming my search for the Orange, Pacifist Derrick then. However, I'm starting an extermination against the Mollylaughs (those creatures with happy, laughing faces).
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  5. thunderskull833

    thunderskull833 Orbital Explorer

    any body comment on this post if you want to join the avali search for derrick or leave a like either way we must and i repeat MUST find derrick got it MAGGOTS sorry being classic milatery guy again
    Feathery Dust likes this.
  6. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    I read you there, Thunder! The Tenjimen and my forces have resumed their search for the Peaceful / Fun Original Orange Derrick (POOD or FOOD)
  7. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest


    Located at the core. (Using the mod)



    The Drone's Derrick Scanner located another Derrick on the Subterranean Mapping Screen. "Could this be it?" The Drone drilled to a small cavern. Inside was a small puddle of molten iron. He activated his flashlight and scanned the room. The Derrick was...

    ...right behind him.

    The frightened creature lept at the drone, forcibly knocking it over. The drone got up and blindly threw a capture pod into the darkness. A miss. The creature lept again, clinging onto the drone's neck with its pronged forehead. The drone, with massive effort, threw the small creature off and into a wall. The force was enough to knock the creature out. The drone came in for a closer look, and what he saw was astonishing! Orange skin, a blue plate laying on the back, and the striking orange-red ringed eyes. He had done it! He had done what nobody else has done in their lifetime!

    But deep down, he knew this wasn't over. This Derrick wasn't the true Derrick. It was manufactured, like the rest of the Derricks he had seen in the recent boom. Derrick is not found yet.

    So the drone trudged on, knowing that in the great expanse of the universe, Derrick was still hiding. The hunt still dragged on. New cousins where still cataloged. Genetic findings where still shared.

    Derrick shall be found.
    Serenity, Hatsya Souji, Yzzey and 2 others like this.
  8. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Alright guys, I guess it's time to go home... that's a near perfect Derrick...
    Serenity and Beatrice like this.
  9. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    @Owl_Stalker May I ask if the greenish-blue planet is a forest planet? Also, congrats!
  10. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    I suspect an intergalactic corporation exploiting the POOD (Peaceful Original Orange Derrick) by cloning it! Then many of its clients will start a massive goose chase against them!
  11. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    I have no idea, I left the solar system already.

    That is Derrick EXACTLY. I've checked all of the stuffs and they all match up with the original.

  12. khamnarei

    khamnarei Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    Sign me up! I am prepared for this important mission! I shall assist you all in finding this creature among my Avali comrades! :cool:[DOUBLEPOST=1412062087][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Well you probably were just lucky, I scouted about 3 solar systems yet I didn't find a single orange and cyan Derrick.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    Serenity likes this.
  14. thunderskull833

    thunderskull833 Orbital Explorer

    contract: you star legally know that you join until we find derrick there shall be no giving up in this comment on this and say i have been trusted with thunderskull833 to find derrick
  15. Day 279....

    I found a Derrick with a mustache. I mean he looks like derrick, same color as Derrick, same features as Derrick... But he's got a mustache. I've decided to take him in myself, I dub Dodecaderrick, and his mustache is glorious.
    Serenity, Feathery Dust and Yzzey like this.
  16. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    I have to disagree with this contract, as long as we're not using the Derrick mod this rescue mission could take years, or maybe even my entire life. I am yet to be ready for this level of dedication.
    Therefore I will only agree to sign this contract as long as the Derrick mod is installed :p
  17. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Actually, this was the contract to officially join the Derrick hunt *ahem* *Clears throat* :

    By signing this contract, you hereby agree to take up either a passive
    or active role in searching for Derrick, and pledge to report sightings of him
    along with coordinates without expecting monetary payment. Signing this contract
    also legally takes away your right to eat Derrick if you see him.*
    *Seriously, don't eat Derrick.
  18. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    By signing this contract, you hereby agree to take up either a passive
    or active role in searching for Derrick, and pledge to report sightings of him
    along with coordinates without expecting monetary payment. Signing this contract
    also legally takes away your right to eat Derrick if you see him.*

    I shall now officially join the hunt! :mwahaha:
    I am still willing to do so with an avali squadron though :p
    thunderskull833 and Yzzey like this.
  19. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Do we need the mod?
    I don't like the mod. It has too many Derricks.
  20. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    The way I understand how contracts work, if it wasn't mentioned in any way you can do whatever you want when it comes to it.
    I barely studied law so I'm just making an assumption :p

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