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MISSING DERRICK-need help finding certain creature

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yzzey, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    My adventures for the missing Derrick
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  2. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    I think the pic is broken
  3. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    http://www.twitch .tv/omnigeoff
  4. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Oh. It was a stream.:rofl:. I thought it was a picture and it wasnt showing up on my phone.
  5. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    It's funny. One of the first planets I go to, I find myself the Sea Derrick, who was a small, catchable cousin. Since then, I've found another four Derricks, but all of them have been large, uncatchable varieties. It's a bit frustrating, to be honest...

    But, here are the other two I've found. You may notice plenty of dirt between me and them. That's because they were also both aggressive, and it's not easy to get a screenshot of a large, aggressive creature on a tier 10 planet. Also of note, I think it's pretty neat that all five Derricks I've found have been found in different biomes. My ultimate goal is to find one living on a Moon or Asteroid Field biome. Anyway, without further ado...

    The Very Berry Derrick
    Sector: X
    X: 74865081
    Y: -7731356
    Planet: X Aserbus 523 I
    Biome: Tundra


    The Shady Humpback Derrick
    Sector: X
    X: -11938863
    Y: 52564535
    Planet: X Tau Per 291 VII
    Biome: Savannah

  6. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Found this blue bastard. He murdered my Derrick-Search-Droid mercilessly.
    SirKaldar and Finn Learson like this.
  7. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    The larger Derricks are a real pain, aren't they?
    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  8. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    not the droid, the research data.... gone....
    all my feels... :saywhat:
  9. NotTheKGB

    NotTheKGB Subatomic Cosmonaut

    We can *hopefully* salvage the sensor data.
    Let me do that real quick... ...ok, all but one data file is corrupt. And the one that wasn't was a 26 second clip of the droid at an Apex clothing store...
    It's not all bad, it did lead me to a nice jacket. With this new coat I'll join the search!
    Rayze Darr likes this.
  10. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    i find derrick but he die safe my life
  11. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    Lilli, one of the members I recruited for my personal Derrick Search Party, has sent me in a report. She said that the two Derricks pictured below were the only ones she found in the cave system, so it's highly possible that we're dealing with an endangered species. She also said they were delicious, so it's highly possible that we're dealing with an extinct species.


    The Blind Humpback Derrick

    Sector: Alpha
    X: -73950005
    Y: 18322035
    Planet: Alpha Symbillius 304 IV a
    Biome: Forest

    Legodude1237, SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  12. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    i think my scouting skills suck, haven't found any reminisce of derrick...
    last i saw anything similer it was in furious koala, and my sis nicked him steevan...
    Yzzey likes this.
  13. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    And she strikes again. It's unfortunate just how many large Derricks my personal squad seems to be finding. I'd love it if we could find something smaller and catchable to accompany us on our journey.

    This next one is another aggressive, nocturnal variant. According to Lilli, it attacks by blowing out slightly acidic bubbles. She described this as giving it a bit of a soapy taste, and that it came packaged with nasty belly ache.

    The Tropical Bubble Derrick

    Sector: Delta
    X: -73949988
    Y: 18322031
    Planet: Delta Delta Per Majoris III d
    Biome: Jungle

    SirKaldar and Yzzey like this.
  14. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    Woah! I'm impressed with your Derrick-hunting skills!
  15. Ultra mutant 336

    Ultra mutant 336 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well Florann are skilled hunters. I do say it's not a surprise to be quite honest.
  16. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Ok... I did all of the math.
    Including all body parts, attacks, aggressiveness, monster type and size,
    the chances of finding Derrick is

    Such a cruel world.

    But we have

    members on the fourms.
    That means we need to each search the surfaces of
    different planets, if he where the last monster we would find.
  17. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    Which is all probability. It's entirely possible that not a single planet contains the elusive Orange Derrick. At the same time, it's completely possible that every single planet that we haven't been to has one. That's both the joy, and harsh reality, of statistics and randomization.
    Bluegem521, M C, SirKaldar and 4 others like this.
  18. FoxDE

    FoxDE Void-Bound Voyager

    For probability's sake, as someone had explained it to me once, derrick is there and if people continue to look, given time, will eventually be found. It's just an issue of the number of people looking and the amount of time given for searching.
  19. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    It has been said that life tis dull should everything the soul desires should be presented within hands reach on the favored plain.
    Yet fortunately for us, the world give us a unmarked paths and not just one but more than ones mind can comprehend, for good or for worse.
    Within these paths holds both, the glorious dream and the dark tragedy, yet still however provides what makes you something a little more.
    And its in these moment as if the "philosopher stone" and the "elixir of life", that makes the very spice of life in which described as "the master work".
    Even more it all sums down to your freedom of choice in which path you walk and you will wither its in favor or not, what you choose will make your story and most of all, craft the vary unique soul that is you!

    True finding the original is like 1/1,000,000. Yet it stands to you and you alone to choose how this story will end, and how your friends fate shall be.
    Don't give in to others opinion and believe what your heart says it strongly believes, for that is what the pages in your book will tell you who you are in the end.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2014
  20. Rayze Darr

    Rayze Darr Space Penguin Leader

    The search party keeps turning up results, but again the results are another large creature. I'm beginning to realize just how much of an anomaly our original Derrick truly is.

    But it's not important. The hunt will continue on regardless. Everyone, I'd like you to meet an old acquaintance of mine, Dr. Pongo.


    Dr. Pongo is currently going through the motions to earn himself the proper ship upgrades, that he can meet up with the rest of the team in the X Sector for some group hunts. He said that the "specimen," as he puts it, was unlike any Derricks he'd studied before. He noted a strong exoskeleton, as well as a more segmented bone structure that would allow the creature to better maneuver through small cracks in the caverns it calls home. His exact words were: "It's like a giant ant ate a lizard, but the lizard won anyway." Apex are weird.

    The Arthropodic Burrowing Derrick

    Sector: Alpha
    X: 66274041
    Y: -33014845
    Planet: Alpha Haedus II 89 I b
    Biome: Forest


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