WIP Milo's Portraits

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by miloneuman, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. miloneuman

    miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey guys! First post here, so bear with me if I step on protocol.

    I just dove back into Stardew Valley the other day, and I got a hankering put in some custom portraits the freshen things up. There are some really terrific portrait mods floating around, but none were quite what I was looking for, so I decided to make my own.

    The goals for this project are to redraw each and every portrait in the game (exactly 250, fun fact) with original, high quality digital artwork. Rather than just doing a single drawing per character and editing it slightly to make the additional expressions, I'm going to try to draw each pose and expression from scratch to get the widest range of emotion and performance possible from these lovely characters.

    I'm aesthetically going for fun and appeal over beauty, drawing a bit more on traditional american and european animation and caricature for the style I'll be going for.

    For example, I've always thought of Emily as being a bit older than the other potential female spouses, and tried to draw her accordingly, while also trying to be true to her fun-loving hippy personality. So, she's attractive, but a little long-necked and gawky, and just starting to show her age. I also adjusted the neckline of her dress to match her sprite a bit better.

    Find below everything that I've got finished and in progress below. I'll be updating these sporadically as I go.








    Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 12.33.28 PM copy.jpg

    Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 3.32.19 PM.png Gil.jpg

    HaleyWIP.jpg Portrait_Penny_v001.jpg AbigailWIP.jpg Just Guys.jpg Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 3.02.14 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 11.00.28 AM.png Portrait_Penny_v001.jpg
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
    • Karmylla

      Karmylla Space Kumquat

      Ah, I'm loving this so far, you're making them REAL people, I love it!
        miloneuman likes this.
      • miloneuman

        miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

        Hah hah, that's the plan! Thanks!
          Xuomi likes this.
        • miloneuman

          miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

          You know, while I'm at it, here's some work in progress on the Leah portraits.

            Xuomi and Karmylla like this.
          • miloneuman

            miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

            Made progress on a few fronts today. I made a point of doing Leah and Robin together, since I wanted to make them look totally distinct from each other, which is a challenge considering they are nearly identical in the original art. I ultimately settled on making Leah's features very soft, and Robin's more angular. I also made Robin visibly older (I mean, she does have two children ostensibly in their twenties).

            And then I did willy, just cuz I felt like drawing a good beard.

            Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 6.19.36 PM.png
              Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
              Xuomi, anothersarah and Karmylla like this.
            • SpringsSong

              SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

              These look very nice! I'll be keeping an eye on this one for updates--not a whole lot of hi-res portraits available for use with Portraiture (which in and of itself is a godsend), so it will be nice to have more!
              • tinkerbelljln

                tinkerbelljln Pangalactic Porcupine

                These are so awesome!! Definitely going to be watching this, I need these in my life, so beautifully varied!
                • miloneuman

                  miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                  Hey gang, took a little break from plugging away at the Leah portraits (I'll post them when the whole set is done) to clean up and flat the first Abigail portrait. Will share more as they come!

                    Xuomi, anothersarah and Karmylla like this.
                  • GreenWombat

                    GreenWombat Cosmic Narwhal

                    Oh my god I love it. There's just so much personality to them. When you finish them I will ecstatically use them :D
                    • miloneuman

                      miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                      Thanks for the enthusiasm, guys! I'll try to finish them all up as soon as possible and have something playable for you all, but there are more than 240 portraits for me left to finish, so it's going to be a long road. I'll keep plugging away at them week to week as I find the time between paid work. In the meantime, here are the cleaned and flatted portraits for Leah! Shading to come soon!

                      • miloneuman

                        miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                        A new challenger approaches!

                        Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 11.02.18 AM.png
                        • Xuomi

                          Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

                          These look so great! They really add a lot more character to the... characters than other portrait mods. I love how dynamic they are in each of their portraits! It's like I'm watching childhood cartoons when I look at them.

                          Definitely looking forward to the rest of these! I can't wait to start a 57th new game to get the full experience of them all. :p
                          • miloneuman

                            miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                            Thanks Xuomi! Can't wait to help facilitate that 57th game!

                            So hey, Leah is done. Here she is!

                            • dare2smile

                              dare2smile Void-Bound Voyager

                              SO excited about this!!
                                miloneuman likes this.
                              • miloneuman

                                miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                                Hey all, just a couple goodies for you all before I call it for the night.


                                ...and a quick screenshot of the portraits running in game:

                                • miloneuman

                                  miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Took a quick break from Abigail's portrait set to do Marlon! Fortunately he only has one portrait so I got him done in one short sitting!

                                  Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 3.32.19 PM.png
                                  • miloneuman

                                    miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                                    Abigail is all flatted and ready to shade! Might draw a few secondary characters before I get to that point since it is a longer process.

                                    • tegobash

                                      tegobash Big Damn Hero

                                      I think these will be the best portraits for SV ever done. Great work!
                                      • miloneuman

                                        miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                                        Hah hah, I don't know about that, but thank you!

                                        Took another break from Abigail to crank out Gil by request of a friend. The whole adventurer's guild is here!

                                          Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
                                          tegobash, Karmylla, Xuomi and 2 others like this.
                                        • miloneuman

                                          miloneuman Phantasmal Quasar

                                          Speaking of the Adventurer's Guild... doesn't look half bad, does it?


                                          I should probably note here that in all these screenshots, I'm using Poltergeister's 'Slightly Cuter Character Sprites' mod. Just, you know, fyi.
                                            Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
                                            tinkerbelljln, Xuomi and anothersarah like this.

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