Reshape the world to be more just and compassionate. As cool as flight sounds, you can travel faster, more freely and more safely with teleportation. You can even teleport in to the sky but falling too long would make you die even if you teleport above ground. Or would it if you teleport on the ground? Anyway, one could stay in the sky for a moment.
You could teleport hundreds of times a second in the air to prevent gravity from taking hold. Would you use evil methods for an altruistic goal?
That would work if we believe that gravity is suspended when teleporting. Yes, if I know it won't backfire and maybe even if it might backfire.
How about a weird question: If you could have any liquid as your blood (and it wouldn't kill you) what would it be?
Poison. Then I could not be poisoned, I think. I can't chose. Both sound qually bad. They are okay. They are way too child centered to really catch make a big impression on me anymore. Hayo. I've always found nirning unnecessary. No. True love requires you to know the person. At first sight it's impossible to judge much more than looks. In the end, looks are the keast important thing. I was gonna say no before. And I don't see myself joining any future rounds. Yes and YES! Obnocious and seem to lack working brains. Um sure.