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Meeting Folks bug maybe

Discussion in 'Support' started by Unatan, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Unatan

    Unatan Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm really enjoying playing Stardew but have just one little problem when first starting out and greeting folks, the Social list shows the folks you've talked to IF the ??? are gone, correct?

    Everyone on the list has the ??? gone but still not completed the begining quest "Introductions", I have 27/28 done on the quest, the Wizard is there and done, WIlly is there and done, All the villagers listed no longer have any ???, but the quest doesn't complete.
    • Lil' Mini

      Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

      I think that there could be a slight possibility that you haven't talked to everyone yet though. If I recall correctly from when I started playing, I knew who Sebastian was but I had never talked to him until I met him in the bar on a friday. You could always go and talk to everyone and cross them out from a list.

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