Race Meet The Voleurite

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Unit-2417, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome! Just plain awesome!
    The statement above doubles for the looks of that cannon!
    Your own ship also seems pretty official looking material.
    Nice. Work.

    Oh wow. That's actually quite the honor. Come to think of it, have I elaborated upon the relationships between the Novakids and the Voleurites?...

    I greatly appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Your interest is basically what keeps us going!
    Thanks, again!

    Thank you!
    I've actually got another race in mind, that I hope you'd like. I'd rather not build upon that idea until this one is complete, however.
    So yeah.
    Gia-Knight and Debiloman like this.
  2. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero



    Yes please. I like their skull-kid-esque look.

    But no really, this should be in the game. I am legitimately as excited about this race as I would be about Novakids. They feel very Starbound-y, and I approve of this.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    Gia-Knight and AndIMustMask like this.
  3. AndIMustMask

    AndIMustMask Tentacle Wrangler

    Honestly, if these aren't added eventually I hope a mod for them will be released for folks who like them (such as myself and many others in the thread)
    UnsoundM likes this.
  4. dragongirl

    dragongirl Void-Bound Voyager

    Stumbled into this thread and instantly thought of Homestuck because the voleurites appear very much like the trolls. Not that I'm complaining - Homestuck's trolls are very interesting. But Voleurites stand up on their own with a different history and mythology, and still sound very original. Whether this ends up in the game or in a mod, I would very much support it.
  5. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like 'em! Submit a suggestion in http://playstarbound.com/suggestions/?id=&c=5&sort=top&p=list&pg=9 I'll totally vote on them!

    Edit: the masks make me think of Majora's Mask from Legend of Zelda, which is why I think I find them so aesthetically pleasing. Did you draw inspiration from there? If not, might want to take a look at him and the skull kids and deku kids.
  6. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

  7. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

  8. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    .... Hrm. I must have missed something, then. Because I can't find them on the list.


    then again, that list is super huge.
  9. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    "Welcome to the suggestion portion of the website. Suggestions posted on the suggestions subforums will be posted here for up/down voting. Show us what you want from the game the most! If you have a forum account you can submit a new suggestion here."

    With the "here" being this forum. They probably have to update the list manually, and might not even be updating it at this point: It's a lot of work for what is more or less just the forums...again.
  10. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    WELP, yet again have I been proven critically unobservant.


    CURSE YOU, ADD!! *shake fist*
  11. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    *Shrugs* No harm, no foul.
  12. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    Either way, I hope these guys make it in game.
    Disig likes this.
  13. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    I had no idea about all that either. I mean you CAN submit your own, there is a button for it. I just dunno how they want it to work since there are several suggestions I like that are not on there.
  14. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't see any button? Am I just missing something?
  15. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    OH you know what? It was exactly what you posted...which led to here. DERP yeah my bad, lol.
  16. Acidicfriend

    Acidicfriend Void-Bound Voyager

    Debiloman likes this.
  17. Faltora

    Faltora Space Hobo

    i used to visit this forum frequently but never signed up, now i felt the need to register and push this thread. hopefully the Voleurite's get more public attention, they're awesome and i would love to have one as my main char! :)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  18. purecaldari

    purecaldari Intergalactic Tourist

    This look great. Would like to see this developed further.
  19. Telmish

    Telmish Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This looks amazing, did anyone make a sprite yet?
  20. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Nice, I love the look and idea of this race! Make a mod!

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