Race Meet The Voleurite

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Unit-2417, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really like this idea! Should I begin drafting up neutrality symbols?

    Haha. There's no certainty that this is going to take off, but nonetheless, I greatly appreciate your support!
  2. Monochromegoggles

    Monochromegoggles Phantasmal Quasar

    Go for it! Symbols are fun to pepper around in environments. They sometimes give us clues of who are the more influental figures, and sometimes they tell a story as to what happened in a location.

    Imagine finding a deserted colony where a particularly nasty crew of Voleurites hid out. You'd know this because you'd see their logo everywhere in the buildings and such. But the question is, where did everybody go? The further in you go, the more you see signs of conflict, writing on the walls and smashed/burnt finery. Images from a rival crew are now seen pained over the symbols of their enemies. But still, if the rival crew had come here, wouldn't they just take over it instead of leaving it behind? You then find a particularly disturbing image on the wall near a bookcase. The hornrot took its toll here. You check the bookcase near the symbol to find the rest of the story written in a deceased Voleurite's journal...
  3. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You've givin' me the tinglies, man!
    Symbols all around!
    Gia-Knight and UnsoundM like this.
  4. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright! In conclusion to that last post, I have developed the eight most esteemed crews in Voleurite lore! Here are their logos, as I am currently writing all of their back-stories and motives!

    Gia-Knight and UnsoundM like this.
  5. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    im defintly on board I might even try getting a mod to work on my computer
    Unit-2417 likes this.
  6. Dragsaw

    Dragsaw Void-Bound Voyager

    I feel like there ships and buildings etc need to be quite dirty and cobbled together (like quick fixes over the place)
    Gia-Knight and Unit-2417 like this.
  7. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's the road I'm planning on taking once I get the main body together. The new year halted work a bit but now I can get back to it.

    Clearly it is still in a very early stage. There's a few early tests of barnacles at the bottom, but the final ones will be much darker.

    Unit-2417 likes this.
  8. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh I love the masks! If this turns out into a proper mod, instant download :)
    Gia-Knight and Unit-2417 like this.
  9. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you so much for your support and feedback! There should be another update on these guys sometime soon!

    EDIT: Regarding Kierran's comment, if I can manage to figure it out on my own, I very well will do my best to make this a mod!

    Looks great! Now that I look at it, I kind of wish there was a way to turn the windows into port-holes. But there are a simple two words I have for that; Oh well!
    Either way, I'm sure it'll look great without 'em. Keep up the fantastic work, man!
  10. Gia-Knight

    Gia-Knight Void-Bound Voyager

    this looks cool! im excited to see how this turns out. quick questions, what is their style of dress and do their have any kind of religion? also how does their architecture look
  11. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    To hell with the default ascetics! Portholes it is :iswydt:

    EDIT: Or should I say- Aye aye captain.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    Gia-Knight likes this.
  12. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Few good questions, indeed!

    In themselves, the Voleurites have no specific religion originating from themselves any longer. They actually seem to find faith in old Voleurian folklore, such as the Great Kongleblax of the Far South, or Cap'n Gohfa's Rusty Heart.
    Being homeless, the more civil Voleurites choose to take in the religion of whatever kind peoples will house them. It's not clear whether or not these Voleurites actually believe in the given religions, or just say they do to fit in.
    That's basically all there is to Voleurian religion, but there is so much more to Voleurian folklore.

    Regarding the question about their architecture, they seem to take comfort in water-based homes and shelters, given the fact that most Voleurites lived on a shore back on their home planet. Sometimes they may even seek refuge in a cove, if that's what it takes to be getting as close to a home scenario as possible.
    Their buildings consist of semi-shanty looking houses propped up on rugged beams in shallow waters. Each house in their communities are connected by a series of docks.
    (Think something along the lines of this!)
    The interior of their homes oftentimes consist of decorative seashells, nets, and alien looking starfish lining their wooden walls. Think nautical!

    EDIT: Totally forgot to address that part about their style of dress! Ha.
    Basically, they wear a type of typical piratey clothing with a Voleurian twist to 'em, so, think something along the lines of this, with more of a zig-zag, asymmetrical flare to it.
    It's tough to explain, but I hope to get some more clothing designs out sooner or later. The best examples I have are the ones on the main post!

    Arr, that be a fine addition, me laddy! Ye scurvy fashion taste be what me eye is likin'!
    (I hope that wasn't too awful an impersonation...)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    UnsoundM and Gia-Knight like this.
  13. AndIMustMask

    AndIMustMask Tentacle Wrangler

    hmm, grey skin, customizeable horns, color-coded allegiances... I could see homestuck fans liking this race quite a lot. the masks and lore attached to them is a great idea, and very unique to boot. the ship design/aethetics iare good too.
  14. Unit-2417

    Unit-2417 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh wow. I haven't heard of Homestuck in a loooooong time.
    I hadn't even thought of the trolls when I was making these guys. Now I feel dangerously unoriginal. Haha.
  15. AndIMustMask

    AndIMustMask Tentacle Wrangler

    I didnt mean to discourage you, merely to point out that theres a lot of folks out there who'd like this race. the similarities are only cosmetic, and i'm inlove with the treasure planet motif, personally (one of my favorite movies growing up).
  16. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pew pew pew kaboom!
    Gia-Knight likes this.
  17. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Dude... Check out what the Starbound official twitter just retweeted and commented on!


    As of my last check 11 13+ retweets, 41 47+ favs, and 5 11+ comments. I added a comment with the link to this thread post so people can see what inspired the 2nd one.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
    Gia-Knight likes this.
  18. Tarikanen

    Tarikanen Aquatic Astronaut

    Great race. Would actually play this rather than the highly anticipated novakids! I love the masks
  19. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Interesting concept. I like the sort of "Fallen from Grace" theme you've got going on here.
  20. Debiloman

    Debiloman Void-Bound Voyager

    The ships you have created are totaly awesome! They're way cooler than the current ones. Subsequently, ''The Voleurites'' are a very good idea, I wouldn't mind to play as one of them at all, I must say that you are very creative my friend, keep it up!

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