Race Meet the Novakid

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Bietol, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Oh wow, you're right. You just switch the N and the D and you get 'Dovakin', which is almost identical to Dovahkiin. :fusrodah:
  2. in keeping with the anagram, they fus ro dah from their rears.
    Crafty_312 and Immortal like this.
  3. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    My friend came up with "PRE OR DAH", which was apparently funnier than me.
  4. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, according to the page "Meet the Novakids" comments, it got 455 likes. (and one dislike but that was probably a troll)
  5. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    in that case he probably didn't make it up X3
    Does that mean i wasn't the first to make a dovahkiin reference?
  6. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    Depends when you made the reference.
  7. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    They should have some reference to Skyrim, methinks. Given that their name is similar is to DOVAHKIIN!

    Maybe finding elderly humans on a very cold planet, that, while playing as a Novakid, say something extremely similar to what the Greybeards say.
  8. NinjaBoffin

    NinjaBoffin Big Damn Hero

    This is the race i'm going to be playing as when the game/beta comes out!?:up:
  9. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Well, how should we know?

    Bietol and AstroBlast like this.
  10. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Keyboard error?

    On a different note, I had an idea for a race...
    Think "Glitch fused to Novakid/Anodyne with more advanced technology."
  11. Especially because Malukah was supposed to do something for starbound.
    AstroBlast likes this.
  12. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Guess who's obsessed with Novakids?
    Female Novakid armor set concept 1.png avatar novakid ladies man blueish.png

    Hint: It may be me.
  13. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Crafty_312 and NewLiar like this.
  14. Cardbo

    Cardbo Phantasmal Quasar

    Crafty_312, JazzPigeon and NewLiar like this.
  15. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Crafty_312 likes this.
  16. Soron

    Soron Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have a question, we have a black colors for their skin?
    JazzPigeon and Zain Hallows like this.
  17. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    How about a white one?

    NovA slEnDer
    JazzPigeon, Qader and AstroBlast like this.
  18. Aww yiss, Novakid badge buddies!
  19. Novakid badge buddies high five! :chrono:
  20. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Did someone say...

    Black Hole people?

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