Race Meet the Frostborn (Addressing the name 12/23/13)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Autzome, Nov 4, 2013.


Do you like?

  1. no! bad idea!

  2. Yes! i think it's alright!

  3. could be better.

  4. Banana

  1. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    It's just a nice way to makeice creatures possible without forcing in magic (which most people around here hate). If they made it in to the game there would be little to mentions of the nanites. I meam...When people think living ice creature they tend to think elementals. All in all? Nanites where my "plot device" to avoid all things magic being mentioned in the lore. It's why I made sure that the anatomy was all science rather than magic soooo..you could call this race something similar to the Glitch, robots stuck in another era.
  2. Cruxifer

    Cruxifer Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. KingoftheUniverse42

    KingoftheUniverse42 Orbital Explorer

    I have a name idea thermomatons!
  4. KingoftheUniverse42

    KingoftheUniverse42 Orbital Explorer

    Ohh and with the name idea a more fitting era mid 1800 and you could change the story to where they re clock work machines. Instead of a core you could see a little glowing gear or something else that could be costumizable!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  5. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    Kinda sick at the moment.

    the loss of art kinda bummed me out as well but hey! no pain ,no gain~
    i'll make sure that the art update comes within the next week or two.

    i will also be addressing the name issue.
  6. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    "Clock work" falls under an entirely different niche and would require me to rework the ENTIRE race from the ground up so i have to say no to this.
  7. KingoftheUniverse42

    KingoftheUniverse42 Orbital Explorer


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