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Meet the Florans

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ghostar, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That clinches it. My first character will be named Audrey II. "I got killer buds / A power stem / Nasty pods / And I'm using them! / So better move 'em out / Nature calls / You got my pun? / I'm gonna bust your balls!" Oh and also "Feeeed me!"as my battle cry!

    All that is left is a friend that will shout out "That guy sure looks like plant food to me!"
  2. 404james

    404james Big Damn Hero

    I personally would like to see the aesthetics of this race's spacecraft. while the other three races have an aesthetic that can be extrapolated to spacecraft (avian ships would be very ornamented, apex would use a very subdued, barren color pallet, and human ships would either look like an extrapolation of the aesthetic of a modern battleship or star trek,) no engineer, not even a primitive one, can be expected to build a starship out of wood, or in the shape of a tree.
    Spacedino likes this.
  3. Killazer

    Killazer Void-Bound Voyager

    Looking simply awesome. I love how different the races are, really brings depth into the game. I also wonder if there would be any wars between different races?
    tupachologram and Keeper like this.
  4. Tobias

    Tobias Void-Bound Voyager

    It just seems like an incredibly unoriginal name. I mean, look at guild wars, "Sylvari" works, doesn't have to mean anything, sounds natural. "Florans" feels like the name of something you would read in an uninspired fanfic.
  5. Not like the avians have the most creative name either.
    So far the originalest name is for the Apex and it's mainly due to the pun.
    Walross likes this.
  6. 'Sylva' / 'Silva' means 'Forest' in Latin.
  7. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    I guess the question then becomes, can florans eat robots ?
    Axe Garian likes this.

  8. [​IMG]
    Gay, JPandaGamer, Axe Garian and 15 others like this.
  9. Timbre

    Timbre Void-Bound Voyager

    Unisex plant people, eh? Please tell me they keep giant killer space bees for mating rituals!
  10. ThrehserMaw

    ThrehserMaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not with human and apex technology such as eletrical plating hehe
    Death to the primitives!
  11. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    So is the dominant faction of every playable race going to be hostile to players, or are we going to see hospitable robots or something?

    To be honest I kind of like the idea of us space adventurers being outcasts and rebels by default, but it seems kind of too convenient for every single one of the six races to be intolerant military cultures.

    Anyway, I'm sure there will be cosmopolitan space stations and settlements, and probably like Apex colonies where they've long since abandoned doctrine in order to focus on just getting by in a harsh galaxy, or like the space equivalent of puritans emigrating in protest of a government hostile to their values.

    e: come to think of it, I guess Avians haven't been portrayed as hostile unless you're entering one of their temple things.
    tupachologram and 404james like this.
  12. 404james

    404james Big Damn Hero

    My opinions exactly. Furthermore, I hope that the already introduced races are more diverse in societal structure that the as of yet published information makes them out to be. in other words, I'm fine if the race is mostly one combined hostile force, as long as that majority doesn't exceed 60% or so, and even that is pushing the bounds of suspension of disbelief.
    Lazer likes this.
  13. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Oh, oops, I meant to mention that you had brought up that topic already. Hahah.
  14. fetalstar

    fetalstar 404 Artist Not Found Developer

    So they're not space ships made out of wood. Just modified ships they salvaged from people they nommed.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. I really don't know about you guys, but I don't see the avians or the humans as having military cultures.As you would assume the thought for humans, I would also assume that they're the same as of today; us, the players, being explorers rather than outcasts from the mainstream society. We have a few countries with militaristic views, but we also have those who can barely stand up independently. We have trades, we have alliances, we have events. It's not just military. Most have that for defense, not for conquering. That was the past.

    These planties, on the other hand, don't seem to have much of a community either- they seem to rely mostly on surviving- due to their primitive nature. They don't even seem to have any religious beliefs. As such, one could assume that each 'society' has their own customs. Sure, one may be the aggressive 'military-esque' society, who take advantage of their bloodlust to be survivors. Others may be the neutral kind, who take advantage of their aggression by using it on defending their society or other sorts, such as hunting/fighting for food. However, they're not the only one of their kind in the planet, let alone the universe. Similar to humans, you're bound to meet many sorts of them, not just military-esque sorts.

    I can see where you're going though, but I have to say; If I was a leader, I sure as heck won't be a merchant if there's a lot of vacant space and tons of sentient beings in the universe. I definitely would not trust anyone who is a potential threat to my people. As such, I would never trade with them. Not if they don't earn my trust.
    Now, if all 6 current races WERE militaristic in nature... Well let's just say that there are three things that fuel war: god, gold and glory. The open space has all of those. No one wants to feel inferior; but I'm not sure if that's the case for the planties. That said I sure as heck won't allow anyone to outclass me. I sure as heck won't let them get all the glory, gold, or shove their god on my face. I will fight back. That behavior creates wars, if negotiation is impossibru.
  16. Walross

    Walross Pangalactic Porcupine

    These here plant people are right snazzy. I like the whole seemingly benign facet to them, and then they eat your face off.

    That said, I would still totally dig a race of golems.
  17. Shippo

    Shippo Existential Complex

    Looks good to me! I may start as a Floran.... but I really don't know yet. They all sound interesting! I'm gonna go crazy because it's so hard to decide!
    Oh and I like the green lights too! As someone else said, I think they might be some kind of bio-luminescent source of light.
  18. Xenomorph-Alpha

    Xenomorph-Alpha Void-Bound Voyager

    now it is fact, what is the most thing what fear plants? Right fire!!!! Where is my flame thrower i let her world burn :D
  19. Baradrim

    Baradrim Big Damn Hero

    Anybody needs a defense against florans?
    The Demon of Borders likes this.
  20. drazath

    drazath Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All fine and well until you come across the aquatic subspecies.
    Baradrim likes this.

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