Mc portrait

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by shashama, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. shashama

    shashama Orbital Explorer

    I was thinking that just like the other character, the personage we play should have a portrait we can choose... and if possible answer some dialogue? It makes you enter more in the personage after all...
    • Xamerzan

      Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

      The 'silent' protagonist has always been a staple in games like this so that way we, the player, can project ourselves onto the character we control. But I do agree, I think it'd be more fun if our characters had personalities of their own rather than us projecting our thoughts and feelings on what feels like a blank slate.

      All that being said, it'd be fun to create our own character portrait that we can see when we talk to people in town. All the colors, clothes, and hair style would be tied to the portrait where the portrait itself would have additional features that show how we want our characters to look/act in certain situations.
        shashama likes this.
      • shashama

        shashama Orbital Explorer

        happy ya think the same thing about the portrait! because like that I can imagine my mc of a certain way thank to the portrait... and things like that

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