
Discussion in 'Other' started by colorbeam, Jul 6, 2013.


What do you think?

Poll closed Jul 13, 2013.
  1. Just Marriage

  2. Just Reproduction

  3. Both Marriage AND Reproduction

  4. Neither

  1. MayMay

    MayMay Void-Bound Voyager

    I actually really like this idea, one of the main reasons i love Harvest Moon is the marriage system :). being able to have a family in the game just adds to it, it allows you to get more into the game not only are you trying to live on a planet you are also trying to make a life for your family its adds slightly more purpose. But that is just my opinion i know many will not agree with but i personally would love this.
  2. DE Spartan9545

    DE Spartan9545 Orbital Explorer

    this is a great idea ! you at least have something better to do when u defeat all the bosses (for now) you can take care of your family
  3. typhlosion95

    typhlosion95 Void-Bound Voyager

    The reproduction stuff can be adapted to a general public you know. What about Sims 1?
    Also there's no need to represent sex or something like that... Starbound is based in some kind of future, so the need of sex could have been totally removed by that age.
    But anyways, I don't see the reproduction thing for Starbound.
    Cen Silver likes this.
  4. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    What sex ? Aren't we all clones ? ( or is that vid clip that shows our rebirth after we die in game a lie ? ) As for marriage - only if Gltches can marry their space ships .
  5. Andries101

    Andries101 Aquatic Astronaut

    I support the idea of both marriage and reproduction.
    beardedtroll likes this.
  6. Kikiaburame

    Kikiaburame Yeah, You!

    Both I like both.
  7. extremist

    extremist Existential Complex

    Yes please my character needs love and babies
    Cen Silver likes this.
  8. FearlessDave

    FearlessDave Space Spelunker

    I like this idea, it reminds me of harvest moon, and Id be able to populate a whole planet with my progeny. Is Marriage optional? can you have multiple wives?! Same sex marriage?! My fish dudes into some pretty kinky stuff, and its my home planet after all, so dont I get to make the rules?
  9. codebracker

    codebracker Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is far into the future, so same sex mariages are probably considered normal by them.
    I personally wouldn't be surprised if inter-species mariage was considered as unusual as same-sex mariage is today.
    I mean women wearing pants was considered extremely strange in the not-so-distant past.
    FearlessDave likes this.
  10. FearlessDave

    FearlessDave Space Spelunker

    Freakin at the freakers ball
  11. Boneslord

    Boneslord Big Damn Hero

    Just a question, does your spouse have to be the same race as you are?
    I mean, seriously though, If my character was a human and the spouse was an avian and if they made a child together....o_O
    You know what I mean....:disshappy:
  12. Dunham18

    Dunham18 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have nothing against it but i would like if it was left out.
  13. moddownloader

    moddownloader Phantasmal Quasar

    suddenly floran + avian porn
  14. serenlarie

    serenlarie Orbital Explorer

    I think marriage and reproduction.
    Yes, it is a kid friendly game, but it's not like they are going to show two people having sex in the back of a car.
    I feel like the reproduction idea is great. You could have your own little offspring that looks like you and your mate.
    I think gay marriage should be included because, frankly, I am gay myself.
    But no, to everyone saying "just marriage because it's for kids" I agree with your opinion, but I feel like even kids would like the idea of having a family on a game like this.
    Maybe, also as an idea, you could make it so when you're pregnant, you can't do a lot of stuff. Like fighting slower and if you die your baby could possibly die, too.
    And I feel like if this actually happened it would be just wonderful! But there are always mods.
    Anyways I feel like this idea would be fantastic and I support it 100%.
    What do you think?
    Cen Silver likes this.
  15. MagicKlown789

    MagicKlown789 Master Chief

    Maybe the marriage thing could fly with the devs. But maybe to get kids we could do something though a quest such as Apex uses science to develop a child in a testing lab tube, Floran rescues a child from a Agaran egg pod, and Glitch builds a child etc. Instead off the whole "romance" scenario. :) Also we could get special loot for completing this quest because these would be hard to pull off. One big happy family.
    crazygreggy likes this.
  16. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Sounds like a great feature to be added into the game, but maybe this could lead to a mod or something.
  17. flamingbacon19

    flamingbacon19 Big Damn Hero

    I would like to be able to maybe marry a villager or somthin from a town and ust live a happy life, I guess. Like u have to hunt and get food for your spouse and like build a house and maybe even givethem weps?
    Also maybe you can take them on your spaceship and live on a planet. (i'm good with the mirage thing but reproduction? AW SICK NO!!! Who wants to take care of a child in a game? I know I don't)
  18. FunAsylum

    FunAsylum Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, I could get my sister hooked if you could have a family...
    FearlessDave likes this.
  19. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Well that kinda raises the question, it's the future for who? I mean the Glitch are stuck in a medieval era, and the Avians a ritualistic Aztec era/culture. The Apex are in a 1984 society, which I don't know the marriage laws of, but I imagine it might be strict.
    Humans would most likely be fine, not sure on Hylotl and Floran. Again I'm not too clear on the same-sex relationships in these cultures, just saying that might be food for thought.
    FunAsylum likes this.
  20. FearlessDave

    FearlessDave Space Spelunker

    Woa dude...

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