Yes, I do. I'd have circled it or something, but again, I turned off photoshop. It takes AGES to load up so I'm feeling a bit lazy about turning it on just to draw a circle on a screencap.
if you use the snipping tool it will take a screenshot and let you draw on it. I did not know such an application existed on your comp I use gyazo too because its easy to use and it allows you to draw on the images pretty easy for free for 30 days after that its 3.99 a month (so I just take a screenshot of the screen I edited and cant save xDD) but I like that place, that tree is really obscuring that view though --although w/e its not going to be hard to miss in the game once the impassible tree debris. Hmm... I guess since we got a decent place we can try to start figuring out how we'd want the map to actually look like in regards to blueprinting a layout to eventually art/deck out
That weird fenced in tree area with the special box inside would be nice to plop a little house there too.
It would. We could put a little something there. Like a picnic area that everyone in the game ignores. Or a small garden that one of our NPCs wanders over to maintain. I did not know that with the snipping tool. And, yeah, I also usually do that with Gyazo. That tree does obscure things. I'm debating on if that's good or not though. The mod NPCs could complain about the path to the Merchant Square being hard to find. I've got some time I can sit down and lay out a new map to put the buildings in. It'll be fun! I won't use any custom assets for it right away, but we can certainly have a few later.
I think the Gotoro Empire is the closest approximation to Japan- though it seems like it's more vaguely 'Eastern' incorporating most of the countries on the Asian continent, minus Russia. That said, it seems the best fit, looking at the foods that Kent basically has flashbacks over. So... I have no idea what people from the Empire would be called. Gotoronese? Gotorons? So... I hope this helps?
That does. I've not explored Kent's dialog yet to know much about the Gotoro Empire outside of it existing. I'll keep not mentioning exactly where she's from and have him just say "another country" but that's good info to have.
for country names ending in a vowel, the default resonse is to remove that vowel add append "an" to the name, so for the Gotoro Empire "gotoran" would be the "default" name to use in such a case. (Doesnt always apply in real life, but in most cases its a exception due to historical reasons, although still not always) Of course, with it being a empire, historical reasons can easily exist for the people (Most "obvious" reason would be if Gotoro was the emperor's family name)
Y'uh, go for it girrrrl if you want to start a map out, as of 8:48 p.m. PST tonight, I'm done with the semester. and 3 associate degrees deep now idk, i personally don't think japan represents eastern culture enough to warrant that title to be what is supposed to be "asian" in SDV: just what is possibly specifically, ethnically japanese. its crazy but asian (and all, basically) countries all have their own unique attributes, ethnic traditions, societal norms/hierarchies, etc, so I don't think its fair to to say that japan reps all of that. it's just the generalization that it appears so. lolol compared to e.g. the philippines, china or india? heck nah, haha. also Japan is one of the least populated countries (love hotels don't work for shit, apparently) so, even statistically, it's not fair for them to be the full representation of what is Asia. if CA really wanted to specific inspiration from Asia, I only see Japan as being the only place -- besides N.Korea for how fucky it is. A combination of different qualities of different Asian countries -- sure, maybe. Not a hodgepodge generalizations of Asian people, or at least I hope so. It's super lazy inspiration and writing if that's the case. as an super imperialistic empire trying to eat up the little guys around them for the pacific theater sure, grotto works def for japan. edit: a mostly asian person, i didn't get the vibe of the grotto empire representing other asian cultures. another country is nice, vague. i don't think being super on your fake geography is necessary for an NPC's dialogue for it to matter much. So I guess, if you want I can start looking into adding to the tilesheet and making building assets, soon?
I'm pretty shit at making buildings, as you can see in the OP (that door does not line up properly and it's driving me nuts). So yes, feel free to make buildings for me. I can also compile any tilesheets when it comes to it. Just let me know what assets to compile.
Oohhh. Okay, cool I was hoping we going to split the work like this, because I'm tired of tIDE right now. Like super over it, I just want to create new stuff. Do you want this to be outside, or like a mall? I wish we could put a fountain in, and you put gold in there to try to raise your luck haha.
Hmm, I was thinking about it being like a square. So outdoors with like shops and stands, and since we're only making like three or four NPCs it'll feel a bit abandoned, which is good. Pelican town is small so the Square feeling empty will add to that. It also gives spots for people to make other NPCs to fill. d:
Sweet! Do you think you can make like a MS paint/ps drawing of a bunch of squares and circles of where you may want things to go? it'll give me an easier time trying to visualize how to make the stores all their own but still cohesive enough to be in a square together. Ahh... I wish we could do like every Friday until 8.30 p.m. or something is like a farmer's market in the square, were we have all the npcs eventually pass through, like the sewer guy only have really good items on those days. Also would give us a chance to just use tourist NPC/tIDE tiles and we can just put the Action|Message to interact with them once, since that's what CA did anyways.'d need to incorporate the farmer into the market somehow xD
Well you could put something together like the shipping box, but it's sitting in the square. Like your stand. It'd be cosmetic but it's something. It'd be cool if the NPCs could put in quest stuff too. Like on the bulletin board. Anyway, I dunno how it's gonna look yet, but standard building sizes should be fine? Basically if you make the assets I'll fit them in. Though given the area that you pass through the square will probably be a touch on the wooded end. I'm thinking with, like, tiled flooring at the center. Maybe a fountain. Sorry, it's 3am right now so I might not be making sense, but I'm thinking it's like a mostly empty and abandoned farmer's market but has a couple of buildings on the outside of it for full shops.
okie dokie sounds good, i'll just use whatever season_town to get the dimensions for the buildings n.n and the bin/stand thing could work, maybe jinx and advise can get that bin to ship too n.n
Alright, so, using the Bus Stop as a base for the size of the map I've made this bog standard layout. Now, obviously, I'll resize it to fit buildings and stands and what have you. I'll probably make it wider to give it more symmetry. I also redid the path to make it more obvious that it's there. There's an attachment of the packed xnbs too. So you can crack them open and have a look yourself. You'll need paths, spring_outdoorsTileSheet, and spring_town to open it.