Modding Help Make Both Male and Female use Female Clothing?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by SureinDragon, Jun 15, 2019.

  1. SureinDragon

    SureinDragon Big Damn Hero

    Hello All! I'm trying my hand at making a new race, and I have one very big question...

    Is it possible to get both the male and female versions of the same race to wear female version of clothing?

    My goal for the race is to have both the "Male" and "Female" slots of the character creation create two different "Female" versions of the race. But of course every time a "Male" member of the race puts on clothing, its the male version of the clothing.

    So, is it at all possible to force the "Male" version of a specific race to render out the female clothing variants?

    Let me know if anything needs to be clarified and I'll do my best. xD
    I'm using Skittle's Advanced Race template to kickstart the race if that helps at all.
  2. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    you could make copies of all the clothing and change this part of the code
      "maleFrames" : {
        "body" : "chestm.png",
        "backSleeve" : "bsleeve.png",
        "frontSleeve" : "fsleeve.png"
      "femaleFrames" : {
        "body" : "chestf.png",
        "backSleeve" : "bsleeve.png",
        "frontSleeve" : "fsleeve.png"
    Change it so both use the female. But if they get ahold of any of your non-modded clothing, it will use male frames
    The | Suit likes this.
  3. SureinDragon

    SureinDragon Big Damn Hero

    Thats not a bad start! A perfect fallback if I can't get anything else to work TvT
    I'm still hoping for the vanilla clothing to register as female on the "male" slot of my race though, so I'll keep looking!
  4. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    Im not sure it is possible. I think i recall someone trying to make a genderless species where both used 1 model, but you have to have male and female
  5. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    If you're talking about your hypothetical race equipping vanilla Starbound clothing and having both genders/models use the same clothing-- no. It won't work.
    The game designates "male" and "female" clothing to the "male" and "female" genders of your race, regardless of the actual models being used. As much as it'd be awesome to smash the binary, it goes really deep into the game structure for player characters and NPCs.

    I face the same problem on my end-- my squids are completely androgynous, they all use the same body template and custom clothing sprites; gender only really matters for the chatter and hairstyles available to them. But if you try and put vanilla Starbound clothes on them, they develop a bad case of "mammaries that absolutely aren't supposed to be there, what do they think we are, mammals?!". And it's a shame, but that's why I try to create as much custom clothes and armor for them as possible.

    I'd say your best solution is going with the clothing-cloning thing that was elaborated on above, or making full custom clothes for your race.
    If they use the exact same body shape as the vanilla races, you'd hypothetically only need to make custom chest clothes, too-- since the head/face and legs/lower half are all the same across different genders in vanilla.
  6. SureinDragon

    SureinDragon Big Damn Hero

    I feel like there's gotta be a solution *somewhere* out there, even if its in the form of an additional mod.

    For example, iirc there's a mod on the workshop that lets humans wear avali clothing using a mod called Species Clothes. I feel like if the game can swing that, theres gotta be a way to make it so the clothes always render as the "gender" desired xD
    Alas, my coding skills are nowhere near that level, so I just gotta sit around and see if someone figures it out someday.

    Thanks for all the input though!


    As a side note, I did some interesting experimenting with the .species file, and when I changed "name" : "male" to ""name" : "female", both "genders" rendered out as female, with the female body and female clothing.
    However, I did not leave this because I feared it would cause some unseen issues later down the line.
  7. Linacruise1467

    Linacruise1467 Space Hobo

    Sounds interesting dear.

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