RELEASED Major Lewis evolves tooo... Electrode! [Pokémon]

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Sabishi1985, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Sabishi1985

    Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

    Did you ever wanted to turn major Lewis into an Electrode?
    ... no?
    Uhm.. Anyway, now you can! x,D



    Charset: DOWNLOAD
    This goes in the characters-folder!

    Faceset: DOWNLOAD
    This goes in the portraits-folder!
      LittleNerdyOTAKU and Toumato like this.
    • Fourleafclov

      Fourleafclov Void-Bound Voyager

      I love it, but is it possible to make him roll when he moves? Not sure how sprites and movement work, so i'm just asking questions. :p
      • Sabishi1985

        Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

        I tried to do that, but I failed. ._. Normal walking is based on 4 pictures. And you can't animate a rolling object with only 4 pictures. This will look horrible. ^^"
        • Fourleafclov

          Fourleafclov Void-Bound Voyager

          Oh well. Still a good character sprite and portrait.
          • ragnax

            ragnax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Wow, the idea's very good! You could make him as a Mewtwo, Porygon, Blaziken or any other cool pokémon?! That would be amazing! (not that electrode isn't haha) :mwahaha:

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