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Major Flaw With The Hoverbike

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 777eza, May 11, 2012.

  1. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    it was more ment as a joke as i don't like going all: dont double post warning blablablabla get it?
    deep breaths? oki :D
    marlonofstarbound has drowned...
    dafudge? next time come up with a better idea :(
  2. RedRain

    RedRain Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I had to get that out of my system....
  3. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I didnt say take deep breaths underwater!:)
    MrCreeper123125 likes this.
  4. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    i wasn't underwater, it was raining too much:cry:
  5. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then you died because you were being stupid.:)
    MrCreeper123125 likes this.
  6. Rho

    Rho Pixel Sorceress Chucklefish

    The whole bike looking like a shark thing was completely coincidental. It was meant to be like a motorbike windshield that you lean into like someone posted earlier in the thread. The design will probably/maybe change by release.
  7. Hovershark.
    Half shark, half hoverbike,
    All awesome.
    Your Shadow and 8Elliott like this.
  8. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    A shark shaped jetpack that uses bullets to fly.

    Also, would the hover bike fly over water or sink? (or float in mid air like in Back to The Future)
  9. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    This is the greates game ever for mobile devices. Jetpack Joyride free on the app store! check it out everyone! ive put around 17 hours into it. It also would be cool to have that in starbound.
  10. SuperChobot

    SuperChobot Void-Bound Voyager

    It's probably just the angle of the sprite. Plus, I doubt that windshield is razor sharp.
  11. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    Oh i assure you that it is. it could pierce anything that was thrown at it at more than 80 mph.
  12. Rho

    Rho Pixel Sorceress Chucklefish

    Regardless of what the final design ends up I'll probably factor the word shark into its name somehow. Hovershark's a good starting point.
  13. Yesssss....
  14. Aniukha

    Aniukha Void-Bound Voyager

    That was me >.< ...

    I do like the design of the hover bike. But I always assumed it was supposed to have a "shark-like" appearance... Now that I can imagine the rider hunched over in the riding position, like in the image I posted earlier...


    ... it makes a lot more sense and I can now see, what looks like, handle bars and foot rests in the original hover-bike image.
  15. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Yes yesss, everything is going according to plan *evil cackles*
  16. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Do you crash your head on a motorcycle's windshield when you brake?
    I thought so. :barefeet:
  17. TheSkyShaft

    TheSkyShaft Space Hobo

    HoverShark, Half Shark, Half bike
    Completely awesome!
  18. TheSkyShaft

    TheSkyShaft Space Hobo

    Hey dev, can't you do something like rename it HoverShark, and it makes shark noises and you can make another hoverbike that looks like a bike without wheels?
  19. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Necro master?

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