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Major Flaw With The Hoverbike

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 777eza, May 11, 2012.

  1. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No wonder there's a "fin" on the front. This is a Yazamaki G3T "Fukd".
    This brand of hover bikes are known for its infamous speed and possible gruesome accidents.

    Top choices of only the most fierce and cool space bad boys, you either are a pro on 0 wheels or the first bump will crack your skull in half.
    Like they say "Be cool or be dead", this bike really live for its name.
  2. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    If thats a windshield, then its not a very good one, the player's head is clearly overtop of it, you would have to duck for it to work.
  3. -Red-

    -Red- Big Damn Hero

    . . . . . You... son of a Poptop! Why!? Now this game is completely ruined. Forever! Do you realize how long I've waited for this game? How many hours I've spent on these forums? DO YOU!? I always assumed it was a windshield but now that I know it's a massive spike waiting to jab me in the skull... geez... this was going to be it you know. This was going to be my holy grail, the game to end all games. I would have so much fun with this that I would never need to buy another game ever again, quitting my job and locking myself in my room playing this constantly, only stopping to forage for food. But noooooooo, you had to ruin the dream and now I have to go out into the sunlight and be a productive member of society with a social life. You make me sick. I hope you ROT in H-...


    Oh wait a minute... that space cowboy has a protective metal faceplate! That spike can't hurt him. Nevermind, we're all good folks~
  4. Tommy

    Tommy Void-Bound Voyager

    is this really something to worry about? lol
  5. Deven

    Deven Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I thought if you like go to fast and your engine disfunctions cause you mechanic isnt to good and it blows up and you flip off landing on you back still alive but with some damage and if your in the midde of no where then you go to the remains of the speeder and click the SOS button on the inside :proper:
  6. And that's why you wear a helmet!
  7. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I think it is to protect wind from hitting you in the face, preventing wind make you close eyes, and crash agaisnt a wall.
  8. Upon further investigation, your interpretation is nice, but not very accurate. The sprite could be viewed sideways, therefore foreshortening the windshield, creating an optical illusion that makes it look like a spike.
    Assuming all wallpapers are developer's interpretations of what the actual sprites would look like, we can take this for example.
    As you can see, it is not a spike. it is a windshield that is rounded from the top. Although it may seem kind of "sharp", the yellowish illusion of the outline of the rider makes it look sharper, but it actually continues onward past the helmet.
  9. Aniukha

    Aniukha Void-Bound Voyager

    There. Problem solved. (Replaced "spike" / windshield with frilly pillow/cushion) :D

  10. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    Well it doesnt look like its doing a very good job, the guy riding it has his head ABOVE it clearly.
  11. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    You saw the picture? It is rounded, it wont hurt you.
  12. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    No No, I meant its not going to block the wind very well. Lol.
  13. Aniukha

    Aniukha Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe something more like this ?:

    What you think??? Look any better?
    Dementia, 777eza and Rho like this.
  14. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    Hows that windshield supposed to block any wind at all? The guy's head is clearly above it.
  15. Jayne Cobb

    Jayne Cobb Big Damn Hero

    This is a flaw..................?

    You made me sad :cry:
  16. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    This is why I would wear a shark helmet.
    Ἄνουβις, M C and 777eza like this.
  17. SuperKleb

    SuperKleb Void-Bound Voyager

    You be TROLLIN'
  18. acrios90

    acrios90 Void-Bound Voyager

    The fin serves as the steering. I am sure it is flexable like rubber or such. not solid metal. (Unless your a hardcore hoverbiker)
  19. Aniukha

    Aniukha Void-Bound Voyager

    Because he's not in a "riding" position or something. I dunno. :DD Maybe he's just relaxing and being a space cowbow with his wide legs. When he's actually moving at speed he'll get down into a more aerodynamic position.
    What about that windshield?.... That seems to work...
  20. Zoraculus

    Zoraculus Smile Guy

    Well, I was gonna make a gruesome GIF of such "incident", but then this happened:


    Ah, math, never ceases to surprise me. Now it tries to divide images by 0.
    LastDay, 777eza and Aniukha like this.

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