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major bug with wasps on next to last level

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by archonmagus, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. archonmagus

    archonmagus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm playing the game with a friend and he was noticing wasps don't give him gold at all. The money still visibly goes to his character on my screen. But on his he cant see the money nor does he gain the money. This cuts out money income from the level in half and leaves him weaker for the final stage. Hoping you guys still patch this game. Other than that this game is pretty fun
    • Active Link

      Active Link Master Astronaut

      Just an FYI. The Devs are switching the game to a different version of Game Maker. So, it's not like their not working on the game anymore, they're just trying to get the port finished as quickly as reasonably possible.

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