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Lore changes?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Wreth, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Honestly I'm going to miss that! It seems ODD that the Florans hold NO grudge whatsoever for the old wars.

    ... then again I guess it makes more sense somehow? The Florans are more primitive-minded. More concerned in living in the now. If the war ended a long time ago it's likely their elders never passed on the hatred about it and just moved on.

    Then the Hylotl probably still read and hear old stories about the Floran Menace. Their society is still probably recovering from the shock. It's taking longer for them BECAUSE they are more well-educated about history, so some grudge bearing is still present.

    ... Okay I guess I like this.

    I REALLY LIKE THIS IDEA, though! Perhaps depending on what kind of village you visit, the reaction can be different? Some Floran/Hylotl villages will respond nicely to you while others are more violent?
    TheyCallMePie likes this.
  2. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Despite many of us agreeing that these changes are inadequate, they continue to remove and modify that wich needed not be removed and modified, whilst this also has the possibility of possible gameplay aplication, and fun.


    I give up.

    Retconning the importance of the Floran invasion, then saying bullshit based on nothing at all(coming from the lore guy), then removing the slight Avos curency reference, what next, Platinum ace doesn't exist, the game only plays Atlas as its music, and modding is paid?

    Sigh, maybe im just being a salty lil bitch, but you win ferret, you win.

    Be the Matt Ward of this game.Be the Spiritual Liege of the fluff.

    Im done.
    1nfinitezer0 likes this.
  3. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd put them all back in. I was never offended or annoyed by them, and can it hurt to have more responses than less?
    TheyCallMePie likes this.
  4. Wreth

    Wreth Phantasmal Quasar

    This is nightly, it can all change..., that's why we give this feedback.
    TheyCallMePie likes this.
  5. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    I have to say I fall into the "fantastic racism is interesting" camp, but it really also ties into the level of depth of interaction we want to have with NPCs.

    Personally, I support the idea of individuals having varying opinions of people of other races; perhaps give NPCs a disposition value for given races, with the local average weighted against the locale; metropolitan Hylotl could be more enlightened and accepting of Florans, but others may be more arrogant and discriminate subtly against them. This could also tie into quests and crime: A town with a history of bandit raids of a particular race could be less accepting of that race, and helping them be rid of the menace might improve their attitude towards yours. Rural Florans might be easily impressed by such displays of martial prowess (and hunting trophies), though they may also view just about any non-Glitch race as potentially good hunting (though even this is a generalization, as independent groups of Glitch and Floran may come to hate each other over mutual transgressions; even if they're not good eating, you can still try ransoming them or hawk the scrap to passing traders).

    The above is also in support of multi-racial colonies and colonies of multiple races occupying the same planet.
    Lintton and InsanityPixelated like this.
  6. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Except ya should already know that I really have absolutely no hope in that happening due to all the post I have said, hence the "I give up".

    I don't call people Matt Wards unless I really don't have faith in them, and the starbound crew have made so many bad choices, i just stop giving a damm.

    As I said previously, I hope you are right, but I don't have that much hope to begin with.
    InsanityPixelated likes this.
  7. Dialogue is being moved aside and adjusted, not always being removed. Again, I stress not to make too many judgments from every change made in Nightly.
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'm not making a judgement, sir. I just don't want to see less references to other cultures and their established currencies in Starbound. I would actually like to see more, and in-game versions of each currency. Sounds strange, I know, but I like having multiple currencies in a game.
    yclatious likes this.
  9. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Err, this is feedback about the changes, and what the community thinks of said changes, why wouldn't we judge the content you are implementing and replacing?

    Im sorry, but, what.

    We are saying what we think of the changes, providing feedback, and you, for some reason, don't want us to?

    Ferret, buddy, enough with the comedy act, we get it, you are the master of Keks, but for the love of god, or whatever you believe, stop saying jokes!

    Lets be professionals in this, mkay?
  10. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I like the disposition value idea. Done right, it can spice up variation among various colonies.

    As a Human, I don't have as much of a dog in this fight, but I guess my question (and forgive me if this was answered previously) is what age audience are you aiming for with starbound's dialogue and social interactions?

    Which esrb are you going for? :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
  11. TerribleToaster

    TerribleToaster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm going to side with Ferret here. Remember, Ferret said "Again, I stress not to make too many judgments from every change made in Nightly." NOT, "Do not ever judge anything we do." as you are implying. It was a reminder to not read too deeply into things and you are most definitely intelligent enough to know that without having me tell you. It's pretty easy to see why Ferret would say that though, when you have already made the "judgments" (and I quote) "Retconning the importance of the Floran invasion, then saying bullshit based on nothing at all(coming from the lore guy), then removing the slight Avos curency reference, what next, Platinum ace doesn't exist, the game only plays Atlas as its music, and modding is paid?"
    I hope you can understand how what you said required Ferret to remind you of the slippery slope you are heading down (even if you intended it as a joke, as a developer Ferret has to (and should) give you a serious response). Do you not see how your comment can be seen as overboard? Or how your comments in this thread have offered no constructive feedback?

    You don't like the lore changes and think they subtract from the lore. I understand, but disagree with you as I think the lore now makes more logical sense (there is no reason for a Floran to particularly hate Hylotl more than anyone or anything else they hunt, and the Hylotl are suppose to be peaceful/ambassador/intellectual types that won't base their every interaction off extreme stereotypes); but, that's not the issue here. The issue here is that your responses in this thread offer nothing constructive. Had I not shadowed the other thread and known that you have valuable feedback to give, seeing your posts here would make me think you as nothing more than a child angry that they didn't get their way (or as you put eloquently put it "a salty bitch").

    Though your post drips of sarcasm, you did say "Lets be professionals in this, mkay?" so I'll ask you to also be a bit more professional, or if you feel you can't, to at least refrain from venting your frustrations here where they can do no good.
    Wreth and Omega 3 like this.
  12. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Fair enough, I was indeed in a somewhat of a negative mood when faced with what I like to call "The kid-ification of Florans", but I still don't quite understand how I can't heavily criticize the changes made.

    Perhaps I am not as smart as you think I am, but I read the implications of the decisions made, and the implications here are nothing more, nothing less than the removal of the most iconic lore scene in the entire game, for absolutely no reason, even when this lore was a community favorite, with aplications to gameplay, and even RP potential.

    The Florans hate the Hylotl, for their cowardly ways of pacifism, their snarky and even racist attitude towards other cultures and species, for the constant condescending aura they emanate.

    Florians care for the hunt, the thrill, they boast about their physical status and prowess in the hunt, but here come a race of Asian themed pacifists, that believe they are superior to everything, and that they are trully the "enlightened" ones of the universe.

    Hylotls are outright racist towards other species, with such snark, that a fat rich spoiled kid would look like a humble Monk in comparison.

    I would like to remind that the thing I defend so much to be kept, logically had to be originated by the conflict of beliefs between Hylotls and Florians to begin with.

    The interspecies hate exists, and has a reason to.Deleting it, when just about no one ever complained about it, and the potential of it is imense, is outright bafling, and using a half assed excuse to do so, thats what pissed me off with a almost vendeta towards Ferret.

    My responses in this thread give nothing constructive?Perhaps, but so is this change, this abominable retconn.

    I used a hyperbole like Paid Modding, and Platinum Ace being non-existant (not to mention the Atlas) because, damit, this is just something that I see absolutely no reason to.

    You want constructive?Here we damm go:

    • Besides this creating RP potential, being a fan favorite, and overall, giving a much needed breath of fresh air into the game, it also has the possibility of massive storytelling potential.Formation of a ingame aliance between the Florans and the Hylotls, in the coming fight of the Tentacle Beast.Do I need to repeat this again?Said it so many times.

    • Possibility of a much more interesting tutorial on basic control of the game, by initiating the game as a Hylotl/loran, defending/invading the homeworld.Great tutorial mission, to familiarize yourself with basic combat, mechanics, and lore, not to mention, bigger immersion into the game/character you play.

    • Execution of missions in the name of the Hylotls could mean a much better intersperses relation, where the player could actualy change the veiwpoint of Florans to whatever race you wish, and maybe even help out bigger characters in the lore, like Big Ape, or Greenfinger.Manipulation of the universe, its species and of racial viewpoints, through inter-species questing.Does this not sound much more interesting than the complete nulification of the invasion?

    • Besides the brutality of the invasion being nothing to scoff at(like I said many a bloody time, the Florans burned down the Spawning grounds of the Hylotls, that is, their maternity wards, and by the logic of a political leader of a race of hunt and stab crazy plant people, Greenfiger made this conquest clear to his subjects and every floran comunity he could possibly reach), and removing it ads just about nothing, it also creates a nice paralel between characters.Yes, inspecting objects is a thing, and yes, your character does have a "personality", but lets face it, the game is just so...homogeneous.Almost everything and every race is the same, everything is so damm similar, all for the same kind of gameplay, and no advantages to whatever race you choose, so having this creates a bit of diversity, even if little.Avians and Apex are the exact same, but ones are walking KFC buckets, and others are more primal humans.Novakids don't give a damm about anything, and Humans are kinda just there.But having a race of tribal, violence centered society stab-happy Plant people, and a race of Pacifistic smug, slighty racist Asian Frogs, and a rivalry between them, tahts a lot more interesting than "These completely different societies and species, despite being polar oposites, tolerate eatchother for no real reason but writter said so"

    • For the nth time, this retconn does nothing.Absolutely nothing, at all.It doesn't add any kind of interesting dialogue, it doesn't create intrigue, or interest in the lore, it literaly says "The difrences don't matter, and the gameplay is meant to be completely the same, have fun".Except this creates none, only removes it.Me ad many others love to fling sh*t at Hylotl players, and just say something alongside the lines of "tried your food once.You make horrible sssuishi".Its fun to poke harmless fun at other players, and this is almost exlusive to Florans and Hylotsl, since everyone else is...forgettable.

    Maybe I just repeated myself in this, but every single point I bring, is valid, and everyone here knows it.

    It makes sense for them to hate eatchother, and it makes sense that they would hate eatchother.

    It adds variety, and personality to the game.

    It is the most interesting and developed thing in the entirety of the lore, since KFC praising bird Jesus ain't developed, Big Ape and the Apex are mostly non developed, Novakids don't even need lore, Humans are done, and Glitch, nothing but a mention of Platinum, and a distant colony/oasis for the free thinkers.

    It is a valid event, that deserves to stay, and I will damm complain about it being a damm stupid decision, for I have a right to say my piece, with the rules being obeyed, and I am afraid that, atleast for the most part, I have followed the rules.

    And I can criticism Ferret as much as I want for him giving such a dumb explanation to justify a change that nobody ask, and just about nobody wants.

    I have said my piece already however, and done this response, just for you, since, like I said previously, I have verry litle faith Ferret will listen at all, or even read this.

    The hope I am wrong is somewhat small, so I will simply leave with the folowing:

    If the best you can do to the unfinished lore is remove the one part that can give content and happiness to the fans and customers you are trying to appeal to, you nothing but the worst Matt Ward could ever do, mixed with the writing talent of Christopher Paolini.
    InsanityPixelated likes this.
  13. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    I still don't know what to think about the lore overall. Other than old gods are always a nice plot point.
  14. TheyCallMePie

    TheyCallMePie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think they should include both dialogues, perhaps it changes based on decisions the player has made?
  15. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Bah, typical of a violent being such as yourself to attempt to shine a negative light on my magnificent people. Your remarks will never make an impact, as I know everyone is well aware of our superiority.

    On another note, I agree with you in every other respect and I do hope the developers will change it. I don't see any reason for them to have made the change and it is just silly, as it adds most of the character to both races and is center to their lore. I don't see why they'd start scrapping it. We'll just have to hope it'll be changed back. I think the Hylotl's new behavior and responses to Florans are well suited, but the Florans should still be more hostile, as they're the aggressors in their relationship. The only reason I can think of why the developers changed it is because players didn't like being prejudiced because of their racial choice; but honestly it just adds to the lore and gives you a reason to despise the opposite race.

    I do hope Ferret proves you wrong and reads it, but more importantly, I hope he takes it into consideration.
    yclatious likes this.
  16. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    While we may assume the norm would be open hostility the likes of the Geth/Quarian conflict(For those playing at home, this is from Mass Effect's lore)...we don't know when said invasion happened, or the events that happened between their people since then.

    Consider also the plot that you are a lone floran traveling, in a galaxy where people outside of their political factions are a reality. Other than the initial floran exodus, do the Hylotl have any current events that are occuring? The intro suggest many of them are simply adventurers inspired to find glory, rather than bask in it, it doesn't seem like the floran hold particular symbolic significance in defeating as say. The Beast in the Human intro, or Big Ape in the Apex.

    This suggests, that if they are enemies, then it is for a historical conflict, making it possible that time and hearts may have moved on, or at least see the value of "you destroy your enemies if you make them your friends."

    florans, for all their savagery, are not unified, and vary in tastes.

    Hylotl, for all their arrogance, are not conquerors.

    And they all have bandits. :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
  17. Wreth

    Wreth Phantasmal Quasar

    According to all currently existing lor

    Florans are actually said to be quite unified according to all currently existing lore.

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