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RELEASED Lopunny Race Mod PG V0.1

Add Lopunnys as a playable race.

  1. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Such a dedicated modder!
  2. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    I have to get stuff done otherwise people grip and throw me rather harsh remarks, tho i do have to say I've been a little too obedient.
    Been doing long work trains spanning days, forcing lack of sleep, tolerating, and all for the sake that others will enjoy the mod i presented to them as a gift of good will....
    I should be actually taking a break for a few days or a week but apparently I'm still working on stuff as i type this...

    Been working on both the Lopunnys and Lucarios and its about dam time i showed my lovely bunnies some much needed love.

    In any case i thank you for your kindness!
    Disco2 likes this.
  3. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

  4. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    I guess ill bring this up again since the last time i asked no one said a thing...

    Should the lopunnys go digi-grade and not?
    Do leave me your answers and such and hope to get this update out as soon as you guys make a vote!
  5. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    What does 'digi-grade' mean?
  6. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    Digitigrade or Digi-grade means to walk on your digits or toes, but in this case, I believe it would be better to show you, but I'm uncertain if I can or not, try looking it up.
  7. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    In that case, go right ahead, Ochiru.

    While you're at it, add the ears to the head sprite and the ear fluff to the body sprites, and then add some form of head accessory for "hair" options.
  8. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    i asked for a poll, not for a boss... :rofl:
    but it will be noted
  9. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm a fellow user that uses your Lopunny mod myself, but... I don't know about the whole Digitigrade thing for Lopunnies, I mean with they way they are on this, its anatomically correct from Pokemon standards, so I'd have to say "nay" i think they look fine as they are, but its all on the modder himself/herself.
  10. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

  11. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

  12. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    yay you nerf them! with how lvl 4 icepunch/aura spear did 24k damage and where like a gatling gun :p
  13. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    Achtung! :

    Preparations for a mass overhaul are within the planning stages. Changes to the loppuny may occure.
    Time to grab some coffee and rub off the dust!
  14. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

  15. joh12223

    joh12223 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is this mod capable with Enraged coala (update 8 if that means anything)?
  16. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    Enraged Koala yes, but you makeing wounder if starbound updated again and i should update to the newest versions....
  17. Shanic Morrax

    Shanic Morrax Void-Bound Voyager

  18. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    was expecting to see this question pop up at some point... =w=
    ill see what i can do to get a EBS add-on made, and many thanks asking for it rather then demanding for it.
  19. Shanic Morrax

    Shanic Morrax Void-Bound Voyager

    Your welcome, besides, I'm more of a asking sultry man, not a demanding rapist.
  20. Mileschaos

    Mileschaos Void-Bound Voyager

    Please update! O ^O

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