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RELEASED Lopunny Race Mod PG V0.1

Add Lopunnys as a playable race.

  1. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Something like this?

  2. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    Kinda. It could use to be more symmetrical. But it's close.
    Specifically, the rightside point is angled upwards a bit too much I think and it doesn't need the one on the left.
  3. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    ARTISTIC FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but seriously im changing the lopunny char sprite, Do not tho its most likely not gonna be in Mackinz favor....
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'm just trying to help out, Ochiru. I take it you do not like the new head I'm working on? I happen to think it makes the Lopunny look a bit more like the Lopunny, as well as fit in better with the rest of Starbound's races...

    Edit: I just wanted to point out that I am just trying to give some help to a person whom I respect quite a bit. We have our disagreements, and I can be stickler on that one small subject that does not bear mentioning, but I'm seriously only trying to help you develop your mod in a way that everyone can appreciate (i.e. more Starbound-y art style).
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  5. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    well i never said i didnt like it but i can say its not something i was gonna change. i was how ever was gonna be giving the lopunny the bipedal look, the idea was to make em more unique looking in terms of the head. I can however say that this was kinda another jab at me, for now i can kinda determine there are about 3 knifes in my back with you name on it, not counting all the others from other people... but im not here to banter and rage or force others to accept my values.

    Due the the wildfire that i started the didnt go out as i expected im treading lightly here considering im walking in a mine field.

    without photoshop im using paint.net, but theres a serous pace suppresion cus they dont work the same... and the color picker pisses me of to no extent....
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Paint.NET? That's what I use! :D

    I'm all for trying out a digitigrade Lopunny look, Ochiru. I just was concerned with other parts of the Lopunny body at the same time. If there are knives in your back, not one is mine!

    Seriously, I have zero interest in insulting you. I just want the Lopunny to be a fantastic mod, and I am hoping to positively contribute. . _.

    Start a conversation with me! I have ideas! :D
  7. Bloody_Kain

    Bloody_Kain Phantasmal Quasar


    I'm thinking of ideas, there is no deficiency in this mod. There are only 2 problems: 1. people who can converting these ideas
    and 2. whether Ochiru this help at all will accept. Finally, it's HIS Mod and his decision, what happens to it.

    However, in his place I would welcome the help ore than reject, if you read something he so everything has to the ears ... (as in an earlier post.)

    On the other hand, it also means: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
    So I think that somewhere probably a compensatory or a word of power must be found.

    If help is desired, yes or no?

    (Sorry, this Post was translated from German to english via Google Translator. I hope it is understandable. If not, never mind. ^^ )

    Original German:

    Ich denke an Ideen, besteht bei diesem Mod kein Mangel.
    Es gibt nur 2 Probleme:
    1. Leute die diese Ideen Umsetzen können
    und 2.
    ob Ochiru diese Hilfe überhaupt annehmen will. Schließlich ist es ja SEIN Mod und seine Entscheidung, was damit passiert.

    Allerdings, Ich an seiner Stelle würde die Hilfe ehr begrüßen als ablehnen, wenn man so liest was er so alles um die Ohren hat...
    (Stand in einem früheren Posting.)

    Andererseits heisst es aber auch: Viele Köche verderben den Brei.
    Also denke ich, dass da irgendwo wohl ein Ausgleich oder ein Machtwort her muss.

    Ist Hilfe erwünscht, ja oder nein?
    Mackinz likes this.
  8. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah.... that didn't come out quite so well in English, mate.
  9. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Well, Google Translate isn't the best. But I understood what he meant, all the same.

    Basically, don't force the help down Ochiru's throat. I might end up ruining a good thing by contributing and making Ochiru feel less confident in his own skills.

    Now, I don't think that will happen, but I'm still helping if Ochiru will allow me to. :proper:
  10. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, I agree. I also don't want to feel like a nuisance for him or anything.
  11. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    quick note to google translator, its ment to have some mock ups here and there on pourpose, free translators are made to do this so that some companys can not be sued if there translator was used to cause some sort of conflict, another thing is the free mock up ones is to promote use of premium ones for a sort of profit for the providers.
  12. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    Starting collage on the 9th, work may be slower then usual....
  13. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    doesn't appear in UG for me.
  14. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    define the issue:
    did you unpack it properly?
    does the game crash and if so what do the logs say?
    does it appear in character creation?
  15. KittyWilder

    KittyWilder Void-Bound Voyager

    For some reason the Oran berries and the Oran produce does not heal, even though it incurs the cooldown and displays the healing icon. Anyone else get this?

    Update: I seem to have fixed it on my end by messing with the file. Making sure it follows current codes.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  16. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    all i know is that the items do work but they been heavly nerfed from what i saw... the pecha berrys effect took about the entire healing time limit it had to heal vary little, like a smidge on the health bar. ill see what i can do to fix it but for now i got college work to do.
  17. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well I used the healing effects the game already had, you can make new effect files but that's a load of problems on it's own.
  18. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


    Steal the percent-based recovery effects from Frackin' Universe.
  19. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, It's not up to me anymore is it?

    It depends on Ochiru now.

    But I'll try and make my own for the mod....
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  20. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    You can contribute on the sly!

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