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RELEASED Lopunny Race Mod PG V0.1

Add Lopunnys as a playable race.

  1. Bloody_Kain

    Bloody_Kain Phantasmal Quasar

    Works wonderful for me! Thanks! :D

    Now I can dig a new "Bunny Hole" Home. xD
  2. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. Alerin_Galencer

    Alerin_Galencer Void-Bound Voyager

    Well Ochiru, unfortunate circumstances like the one you went through can come without warning and well it does put a bit of damage to how you want to do things so, sometimes its best to wait it out and let time pass and if someone is willing to help or something comes up.

    So thats what you meant by work huh? well Actuality I wanted to actually try to help by doing the same thing make the mod be available but, I guess you did the job before I could, my Laptop had got blackscreened but it wasnt like I could do anything for mods anyway I have very little knowledge of how those work on starbound...
  4. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

  5. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After unzipping the file, did you open the folder and moved the "lopunny" or "lucario" folder to \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods ?
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Did you install it correctly? Also, on the same page, I linked to SolaerSelect which is what I use. It works. And so does the Lopunny mod.
  7. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, right. That was the problem.
    Thank you for taking time to help me with that, I should have known to check inside the folders to see if everything was in order. I have checked that stuff before but forgot to check it this time.
  8. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

  9. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    okies im back and now able to fix somethings as well as put in new content.
    Mackinz likes this.
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Back to sprite-work now? :D

    In my opinion, the Lopunny shouldn't have such a bright red as a color choice. Maybe make it a bit duller?

    Edit: Maybe like this?

  11. Ochiru Yuki

    Ochiru Yuki Existential Complex

    :rofl: i need to get a image workshop program right now...
    ill take note of this tho...
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'd offer to help you sprite, but I gotta get to class. Maybe I can help later?
  13. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Glad to have you back.
  14. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Okay guys, I decided I'd try and help out Ochiru in my own ways.

    Ignoring the ear fluff for now, which face style do you prefer:


    Edit: Another option!


    Edit 2: It looks even better with fur that matches!

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  15. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    I like it with the nose visible, but I think the shape of the head is not very Lopunny-like. The last two are close, but not quite there yet.

    Might I suggest you look at sprites from Pokemon games as reference? That is, if you don't already.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
    Mackinz likes this.
  16. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Brah, I prefer using good fan-art as inspiration because the models in XY/ORAS aren't something you can zoom in on. and they move around. I think the last sprite looks pretty Lopunny-like except for how Lopunny only has one visible eye from that angle normally, and the ears are a bit more pronounced (but I intentionally reduced them for reasons). Do you have any ideas?

    Also, I added two lines of coding to lopunny.species and now all the fluff changes color at the same time.
  17. VanishMode

    VanishMode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Diamond and Pearl's sprites might be usefull maybe Black and White also...and not only that but sprites from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and maybe Pokemon Conquest could be of help for reference.

    Working with references makes everything better, in my opinion.
  18. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    I was talking about sprites from Gen IV/V. I have tried making sprites for a different Pokemon species than the ones you have and I got good results from using sprites from those games as reference.
    But it is your choice. I'll not bring this up anymore if you're not interested.
  19. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I'm sorry if you are interpreting.y replies as hostile. They aren't. I just prefer looking a nice fan art or the official artwork over staring at sprites for ideas. Sadly, I'm now not at home so, if you have ideas for improving the faces, let me know!
  20. SixtySomething

    SixtySomething Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, I know that.

    I think an almond shape is best for the head.

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