Looking for friends!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by AntagonizingFluff, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. AntagonizingFluff

    AntagonizingFluff Master Chief

    Hey there! I'm looking for some people to play Stardew Valley with. (Co-op, of course.)
    Hit me up if you're interested, I'm looking forward to meeting you!
    Any age, any gender. Just be nice! <3

    Discord: AntagonizingFluff#8239
    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/hawtpawketz
    • SuperPiggeh

      SuperPiggeh Poptop Tamer

      This is a public service announcement, this person can't be trusted!

      They added me, waited a couple hours, started up a new farm with me, then left, blocked me on discord and removed me on steam. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through to hurt someone's feelings, huh?

      In conclusion, don't waste your time with this guy .-.
        AntagonizingFluff likes this.
      • AntagonizingFluff

        AntagonizingFluff Master Chief

        Woah man, I didn't block you. I removed you from my friends. I simply didn't enjoy spending time with you, as you seemed somewhat passive aggressive.
        You would have to be very offended in order to make a "public service announcement" about me.
        Once again, I apologize if I hurt your feelings, as that was not my intent. I don't treat everyone the same way, and I am sorry to say so.

        And yes, I had/have a valid reason to remove you from my friend's list. Your behavior was passive aggressive, and you gave me a bad vibe overall.
        ONCE MORE, I apologize, but I won't be adding you back.
        • gabbiriley

          gabbiriley Poptop Tamer

          I have a farm that I play on frequently if you want to join

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