Hello there, I am Simon, 34 and I am looking for (a) mate(s) to play co-op in multiplayer while I'm hosting the farm. Most important to know: ° A chilled playstyle on a fresh new standard-farm. ° Not a fan of rushing for money only. Feel free to relax. ° Co-operative design-choices for the farm (but please leave some grass for hay later on ) ° Let's talk about spending money, before investments. ° Languages: german or english. ° You should already have experience with the game. ° The farm goes up as soon as possible. Feel free to request and let me know your steam-name via reply or PM. I would be glad to hear from you. Greetings, Goreman --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo miteinander, Ich bin Simon, 34 und suche (einen) Mitspieler für Multiplayer, während ich die Farm leite/hoste. Das Wichtigste vorab: ° Gelassener Spielstil auf einer frischen, neuen Standard-Farm. ° Kein Fan von reiner Geld-Hetzerei. Ihr könnt euch die Ruhe antun. ° Abgesprochene Design-Entscheidungen für die Farm (aber bitte lasst einiges an Gras stehen, für das Heu später ) ° Lasst uns gemeinsam über die Geld-Ausgaben sprechen, bevor größere Entscheidungen anstehen. ° Sprachen: deutsch oder englisch. ° Du solltest grundlegend bereits Erfahrung mit dem Spiel haben. ° Die Farm startet sobald wie möglich. Sendet mir gerne eure Anfragen und lasst mir euren Steam-Namen zukommen, entweder als Antwort oder PN. Ich würde mich freuen von euch zu hören. Grüße, Goreman
I would be glad to join! My Steam name is chimneyswallow. The profile picture is the same as here. And by my username here you might already guessed I am german. But if any non-german speakers would like to join, I am perfectly fine with english.
Hi Rauchschwalbe =) Thanks for your reply. I will contact you via Steam. @ anyone else: feel free to request. My farm didn't start yet. Greetings, Goreman
Hi, wie möchtest du denn die Kommunikation im Spiel handhaben? Chat/Discord/Ts....? liebe Grüße Unfug Hi, how do you want to handle communication in the game? Chat / Discord / Ts ....? Greetings mischief
Hi Unfug, Ich hatte zunächst erstmal an Chat gedacht, aber Discord wäre auch eine künftige Option, wenn man denn Lust darauf hat, es soll aber nicht verpflichtend sein. PS: für heute bin ich aber raus. Es hat sich heute leider gar nichts ergeben. Werde wohl morgen wieder mein Glück mit einer neuen Farm versuchen. Grüße. Hi mischief, First of all, I thought of chatting, but Discord would also be a future option, if you feel like it, but it should not be mandatory. PS: I'm out for today. Unfortunately nothing has happened today. Will probably try my luck again tomorrow with a new farm. Greetings.
Please note that ALL forum posts need to be in English, or at least provided with a translation. I have added one each for you guys, but please bear that in mind next time you post. Thanks
Hallo, Ich habe auch interesse mit euch zu spielen. Mein SteamID ist "Carpet1887," aber meine Name darauf ist einfach "Jon." Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, aber ich glaub' es würde spaß machen, und wäre ne gute Chance, um zu üben, mit euch zu spielen. Aber ich hab gerade realisiert- wenn ihr in Deutschland seid ist meine Zeit 6 Stunden früher als euerer. Um welcher Zeit planten Sie zu spielen? Englisch: Hello, I'm interested in played as well. My steam id is Carpet1887, but my name on there is just Jon. German isn't my first language, but I think it would be fun, and a good chance to practice, to play with you guys. But I just realized- if you guys are in Germany I'm 6 hours behind you. When are you planning on playing?
Hello Carpet, I'm happy for your reply and interest. Most days the time window for my farm would be from 16 to 22/23 o'clock in germany. On the weekend it's not that restricted edit: I can't find you via the SteamID "Carpet1887". Greetings, Goreman
I think I can set up the new farm within the next hour, if anybody is interested. Haven't started yet edit: still waiting for party !!
I would enjoy playing with everyone, not the most experienced but have played through about 70% of single player so far. Steam can be found by my username of talonsnow
Oh dang I didn't know steam was case sensitive. Should come up with lowercase c: "carpet1887" Otherwise I think the url usually works: steamcommunity.com/id/carpet1887 Hope you guys haven't already started!
Hey, thanks for your further replies =) For now we already started some hours ago until now. But it's still day 9 and I have a break now. The other 2 players who joined are gone and I don't know if or when they want continue playing. I maybe resume the farm later and if you're still interested, I can contact and ask you to join. Greetings.
Hey there. Thanks for your interest. I would set up the farm later at around 17:00 PM CET, if you're still interested then. Greetings