RELEASED Longer Coffee Buff Duration

Discussion in 'Mods' started by DatRaph, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. DatRaph

    DatRaph Big Damn Hero

    I always though the speed bonus from the coffee doesn't stays as nearly as long enough I need for all the stuff I have to do, and I would spent half the day chugging gallons of the stuff. So I decided to double the length of the buff duration and I'm sharing here with you guys.

    **It only alters the buff from drinking Coffee, everything else should remain as it is.!qFcUGZZL!LAj6qCGMdgbaGkuaU5LTOv5pYnUKDCpG5WGijSU1gMo

    Just pick the file and paste it on Stardew Valley\Content\Data.

    **I only altered a single value, shouldn't cause any shananigans with your game, but you never know, so backup the original file before overwrithing it.
    • Pingulrik

      Pingulrik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      pretty useful thanks!
      • lepperandfrieds

        lepperandfrieds Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      • supertact

        supertact Aquatic Astronaut

        can you update this or someone guide me on what to edit? thx

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