Living Planets (Or Planatary parasites) Revamped And Ressurected

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nightly, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I have changed the main page color from hard to read black to uncomfortable fleshy flesh color. Also I imagine the chances of finding a LP would be aproximatly one in every hundred or so.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  2. Cake

    Cake Cosmic Narwhal

    Now knowing the chances, I think this idea is amazing!
    Hopefully it gets noticed.
  3. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank joo.
  4. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Hey people who care about this! I updated the main page finally! Woooo. I added shit about drops and some possible crafting recipes for the two weapons developed so far. If anyone has any suggestions, art, lore, and all that jazz please post it here so we can critisize review your suggestion. Thank you for your support and have a good day.

    Also im keeping the content in an uncomfortable fleshy color for the foreseeable future. It fits the idea.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  5. thefirecrack3r

    thefirecrack3r Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I understand your LP is unintelligent and cannot thank the player formally. But as I was reading your ideas on how to kill it I couldn't help but think that perhaps the LP could be smart enough to understand if you were beneficial vs problematic. You could do work on the planet (eliminating parasites or venting out gas chambers and revealing pressure.) Eventually the planet would form a sort of co-beneficial relationship with the player, it'll let you dig into nonessential tissues and build on its surface, so long as you kill the occasional parasite or maybe dig out infected tissue (these infected areas spread a little perhaps? getting them early is key) or something. As a counter to this (as this makes the relationship somewhat easy to establish) there should be valuables that the LP wants like minerals and metals in its body the player might want too or cool drops from the LP's defenses. Mining or killing these things pisses it off and taking too much too fast will make it attack you. But it could let you take a little here and there so long as you keep doing helpful stuff. Or a player can just off the creature and live in its rotting husk. I think that it should be a little tedious but I can't help but think (personally) that killing such a massive and amazing being is sort of...evil. Like you come to it, live off it, and harm it and eventually kill it. Being able to cohabitate, with the creature and reap some of the benefits while living alongside it. I'm personally turned off to the idea if we have to treat it like a boss monster. I mean, if someone wanted to kill it, thats fine for them. Hell you know what'd be cool (if you like my recommendation) that having it die would make it rot and any renewable resources eventually fade away, making living alongside it tedious work with eventual and slower pay off, where as killing it provides immediate, rich amounts of resources and drops and stuff. Making these planets offer up two different play styles.
    many animals have tiny animals living on them that its immune system ignore. Its not a matter of the creature going "your my friend" but you acting well enough that you are ignored by its bodies immune attacks. There are tiny crustaceans that live on jellyfish (I use this example because you specifically picked jellyfish as your example) these little guys clean the jellyfish and are thus, spared, however, they often to resort to eating the jellyfish itself on occasion, the jellyfish ignores this because its more beneficial to let the shrimp clean out parasites and waste, even if that means getting chewed on occasionally.
    This is the link if you were really set on going off the a jelly's level of intelligence ( ). Your character can be a deadly parasite or a symbiotic hitch-hiker. I like moral decisions, this would be a cool one to make.
  6. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    Suddenly Planet Cracker.
  7. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    In response to the large post above I would like to say that while the LP does have a SORT of thought process like this, it would have nothing of value inside its fleshy walls really. Being as it has devoured most of the planets insides you will only find the usual ores near the surface like a regular planet. All lower materials have been absorbed to help it grow into its present shape, and it now solely exists on the trees growing upon it, which it harvests via special organisms (killing which will slowly piss it off as will chopping trees down). As well as the fact that the Coregan is the brains of the LP both of which hate humanoid life, other than any it produces itself.

    On another note I wanted to ask if anyone had any good ideas for parasite mobs or defence organism mobs. I got nothin.
  8. thefirecrack3r

    thefirecrack3r Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As far as defense mobs go. Turret mobs that shoot acid at people like a fleshy little...turret thing. Also, floating white bloodcell inspired guys who fly around the interior of the LP and attack problem cells, or player. Also I think Terraria corruption style infections should exist on the surface. With defense mobs turned rogue, clearing these could help earn the LP's "trust". Parasite mobs...a tapeworm miniboss? He's located in the entrails and attacks at random and only a handful should exist on a single LP. Tapeworms are pretty scary up close, see images.
  9. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you for the nightmare fuel sir. I shall give these due consideration.
  10. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    you people scare my
  11. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Salutations forum goers! I have decided to raise this thread from the dead and edit the content (for the most part) to make it a neat idea and overall suggestion once more. I thank you all for your once patronage and hope you continue to support my weird ideas for this suggestion.
    Also in the spirit of resurrection.
  12. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

  13. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    Still have my support. Despite the sheer level of biological horror.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  14. Bughunter

    Bughunter Spaceman Spiff

    That's the fun :DD
    I want to exile my family members onto these kinds of planets.
  15. captainrandom21

    captainrandom21 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA! man, u put a lot of thought into this! good idea!
  16. PositivAndroid

    PositivAndroid Phantasmal Quasar

    I have an idea for an enemy, the macrophage which jumps on to the player and slow them down/slowly drain their hp

    Love the idea btw :up:
  17. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Duly noted and thank you.
  18. PositivAndroid

    PositivAndroid Phantasmal Quasar

    no problem! i personally like the idea of a planet constantly trying to kill you
  19. Nightmare Nixie

    Nightmare Nixie Aquatic Astronaut

    I had a few ideas for weapons/armors, but they are mostly just rough outlines for things you could possibly craft from LP materials.

    The first one I had was maybe like a blade that constantly drips acid. It could be similar to the acid glands you were mentioning in your OP. If you believe that a blade wouldn't make much sense in this context, then perhaps a whip might be better? You could consider it like being a smaller version of one of the glands except with a handle. The tip could fling small acid particles when used, or the whip could grab hold of smaller enemies dealing harmful DoT.

    For a ranged weapon such as a gun you could make it like a organic parasite launcher which could shoot small parasites at enemies. The parasites themselves could have a variety of different effects as well. Some could act like mosquitos leeching the life out of the enemy, others could act as virus injectors providing a variety of debilitating effects, and still others could act like miniature unstable acid bombs.

    Also if you were allowed to make an armor of some kind from the LP materials it could give you some kind of health regeneration bonus(due to the fact that it could act as a symbiosis-like armor integrating into your character). You could give the helmet of such an armor set the look of a skull of one of the enemies you face on the planet or maybe follow the symbiotic-like route of the armor giving you some kind of organic boost to your senses. For boots you could treat them as some kind of metabolic leg enhancement, giving you either enhanced running speed or jumping height(small increase to prevent OP).

    All of these boosts could be tiered as well, giving you small bonuses in early tiers and much better ones later.

    Just a few ideas I had involving stuff you could craft from the materials. I hope these can help your idea along and hopefully this stuff has not been suggested already in this thread.:)

    P.S. Did you submit this idea to the suggestions page on the home page? I was trying to find it to upvote but there are so many pages to go through...:(
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    PositivAndroid likes this.
  20. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I like your thinking person! The ideas remind me of the Tyranids from the warhammer series and they will definently be integrated into the system. Also this page is still on the front page of planets and enviroments in the suggestions pages.

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