Living Planets (Or Planatary parasites) Revamped And Ressurected

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nightly, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    wut? anyway, WUT?!
  2. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Fist *BUMP*! So, I've asked for help from forum-goers, real life friends, and outside Deviantart sources, but no one seems willing to help with art. ): I have failed thee, Nightly. I will try my hardest, however, to get this idea noticed. This is one of my all-time favorite suggestions here on the Starbound Forums, and I want to see it shine. Ty out.
  3. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Two new tries with pixels this time!
    Pixel Coregan.png
  4. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    Meaby it won't be added to original game, but as chucklefish said, modding starbound will be easy as fuck.
  5. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I appreciate your willingness to get others interested. I too have ahd a hard time getting people interested in helping with the arts, so don't worry. You've spread the word and i appreciate it. Also of the two below, I like the one on the left better. The half closed eye and nonveiny-ness makes it feel smooth and nice.
  6. Earnold

    Earnold Orbital Explorer

    Totally necessary suggestion this would lift the game up to a title of "Educational Value" which would include more costumers ;D
  7. NinjaIX

    NinjaIX Orbital Explorer

    I'd like to see this idea with some of this action


    Giant swamps with half sunken ships that have previously crashed into the planet (or partially digested by the planet?) and long deserted
  8. Oarius

    Oarius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ^-- this very well thought out covers gaps in op's opening :3
  9. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

  10. SWiTCH

    SWiTCH Starship Captain

    Example planet
    So.. you have an awesome steam-punk planet lets just say, metal trees, oil rivers, etc. And it constantly shifts its land for shaking down trees, tossing dirt, forming machine like parts out of its "natural" resources. When you go in a cave or go mining in this particular planet you notice a variety of gears, pulleys, and connectors that somewhat leads to the planets center. Where the heart is, aka a blazing hot furnace.

    Next to it is a control room with writings of an unknown language, various levers. There should be one particular lever that powers the furnace on and off with the handle in the on position. If the player chose to pull the lever off, the planet the fire will be put out with a fierce fire extinguisher like spray. When it violently goes out the planet realeases a high pitched scrape like noise. Sorta like Songbird for Bioshock infinite (loud ass mother fucker). The planet with then start abruptly caving in on its self.

    The player has to quickly escape narrowly dodging falling gears, pipes, hot groups of oil, back up to the jacked up (for lack of a better word) surface. If he/she explores the now ruined planet he will eventually find a legendary weapon vehicle made up of the earth and trees the planet is made of. This vehicle will be pretty beat up, and would require some materials before working again.

    Once fixed it can be send up to your ship to be used on other planets, but not before hand.
  11. NinjaIX

    NinjaIX Orbital Explorer

    Wrong thread xD
  12. SWiTCH

    SWiTCH Starship Captain

    What the fuck?! How... I... I worry about me sometimes...
  13. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    We all make mistakes sometimes. Don't worry bout it.
  14. The Masked Man

    The Masked Man Void-Bound Voyager

    Reminds me of insanely twisted shadow planet...
  15. NinjaIX

    NinjaIX Orbital Explorer

    The only real reason I knew is cause I posted in the thread you were aiming for as well xD

    I'm hoping modding planets will be as easy as modding everything else, because this along with the mechanical planet should definitely be in the game. Along with a mostly underwater planet, one with TONS of floating islands. Now what about a planet for nova kids?
  16. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I need to do an update to the page eventually... Bleh. Effort.
  17. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    It would be interesting to see different levels of sensitivity as you dig into a living planet. If you just scratch at its skin, it's likely to be like an itch, but the deeper you go the more painful it would become, like a bot fly maggot digging into its host as its host tries desperately to tear it out. Also, the planet repairing itself as you burrow into it would be interesting...
  18. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Well while i was dicking around the roadmap i noticed that ALL DUNGEONS have a thing in them that prevent blocks from being taken out of it until its destroyed. This would be in the very heart of the LP in the areas the Coregan guards. So yeah.
    Earnold likes this.
  19. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I desperately hope for planets of mostly water. Build a huge underwater base. Be safe from the monstrous creatures of the deep. Thanks to videogames i have a fear of vast amounts of deep water. Damn you Vex.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  20. Cake

    Cake Cosmic Narwhal

    That's a pretty good idea! However it was pretty annoying reading the post because of the black text. :/
    What would the chances of finding a living planet be like?
    You should probably list that.

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